Le drame de Tidiane Camara, migrant amputé en Libye, La belle histoire d'un migrant gambien adopté par une famille italienne, L’homme le plus riche de Chine est un magnat de l'eau en bouteille, Coronavirus : l'âge et le climat expliqueraient la faiblesse des contaminations en Afrique, Une fortune cachée trouvée dans la maison de Pablo Escobar, Comment une alliance Barrow-Jammeh a torpillé un projet de constitution en Gambie, Six sites du patrimoine africain menacés par le changement climatique. [53], Three Minnesota Chippewa Tribe bands had candidates win more than 50% of the votes in June primaries, eliminating the need for a general election: Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe incumbent tribal chair Faron Jackson Sr.,[54] White Earth Nation incumbent chief executive Michael Fairbanks,[55] and, on the Grand Portage Indian Reservation, challenger Bobby Deschampe, who defeated incumbent tribal chair Beth Drost. Sanders issued a statement after the news report, saying in part, "I don't care, frankly, who Putin wants to be president. In most states, the governor and the state legislature conduct the redistricting (although some states have redistricting commissions), and often a party that wins a presidential election experiences a coattail effect which also helps other candidates of that party win elections. Delegates were concerned about the spread of COVID-19 if thousands of delegates attended in person in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. At least 35 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate will be up for election. It's time to legalize marijuana and end the war on drugs! [130] On January 20, 2017, at 5:11 p.m., he submitted a letter as a substitute of FEC Form 2, by which he reached the legal threshold for filing, in compliance with the Federal Election Campaign Act. [160] By June 5, 2020, Biden had officially gained enough delegates to ensure his nomination at the convention,[161] and proceeded to work with Sanders to develop a joint policy task force. [f] Although most states will hold regularly-scheduled elections for both legislative chambers, Alabama, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, New Jersey and Virginia will not hold state legislative elections, and Michigan will hold elections only for the lower house. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians, United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians, Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on politics § United States 3, Maryland 7th congressional district special election, Russian interference in the 2020 United States elections, 2018 North Carolina's 9th congressional district election, "Trump drives massive turnout in primaries despite token opposition", "Trump clinches GOP nomination with Tuesday primary wins", "Joe Biden passes delegate threshold to clinch Democratic presidential nomination", "Democratic Delegate Count and Primary Election Results 2020", "Everything We Know About the Status of Kanye West's Unlikely 2020 Campaign", "Katie Hill, California congresswoman, resigns amid allegations of affairs with staff", "California's 25th Congressional District, 2020 - Ballotpedia", "U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings, longtime advocate for Baltimore and civil rights and key figure in Trump impeachment inquiry, dies at 68", "Maryland's 7th Congressional District - Ballotpedia", "Republicans Retain House Seat in Special Election in Western N.Y.", "Republican Rep. Chris Collins resigns House seat ahead of guilty plea to insider-trading charges", "New York's 27th Congressional District - Ballotpedia", "GOP Rep. Sean Duffy resigning from Congress", "Congressman Sean Duffy to resign in September, cites family reasons", "Wisconsin's 7th Congressional District - Ballotpedia", "2020 Legislative Races by State and Legislative Chamber", "So Much Changed in Statehouses This Week. Incumbent Republican president Donald Trump won re-nomination after facing token opposition in the 2020 Republican primaries. [92] As of May 19, 2020, there were 350 outstanding matters on the agency's enforcement docket and 227 items waiting for action. The 2020 United States elections are scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020. According to the President, the mainstream media was responsible initially "downplaying the effects of the virus". In 2020, 82 state supreme court seats are up for election in 35 states. Thus the 2020 elections could have a significant impact on the 2020 United States redistricting cycle. No, I'm not going to just say yes. [37] The number of polling places was often greatly reduced due to a shortage of election workers able or willing to work during the pandemic. [24][25] This is also the first time since the modern presidential primaries were established in 1911 that a president has been subjected to impeachment while the primary season was underway. [102][115], Nevertheless, reports arose beginning in August 2017 that members of the Republican Party were preparing a "shadow campaign" against the president, particularly from the moderate or establishment wings of the party. Au lieu de cela, les candidats se disputent les voix du collège électoral. The other republican running against Trump in Connecticut's Primary", "Joe Walsh to take on Trump in 2020 Republican primary", "Mark Sanford Will Challenge Trump in Republican Primary", "Former SC Gov. Walsh declared that "nobody can beat Trump in a Republican primary" because the Republican Party was now "a cult" of Trump. L'élection a lieu tous les quatre ans et généralement, on s'intéresse beaucoup aux résultats mais on ne comprend pas très bien comment le processus fonctionne. La BBC n'est pas responsable du contenu des sites externes. The Democratic Party, the other major party in the United States, has nominated former vice president Joe Biden for president and Senator Kamala Harris of California for vice president. [7][8] On September 8, the Court issued a stay of the Superior Court ruling pending appeal on the merits, causing confusion and uncertainty regarding the 2020 election. [85] On August 18, after the House of Representatives had been recalled from its August break to vote on a bill reversing the changes, DeJoy announced that he would roll back all the changes until after the November election. Many legislative chambers will see all legislative seats up for election, but some legislative chambers that use staggered elections will hold elections for only a portion of the total seats in the chamber. Dix pays où aucun cas de Covid-19 n'a été enregistré. [89], President Trump has been very critical of voting by mail, often making allegations of massive voter fraud. The country cannot afford to have him win. [64], Historian Timothy Snyder, an expert on authoritarianism, said that "it's important not to talk about this as just an election. Note that not all states and territories hold gubernatorial, state legislative, and U.S. Senate elections in 2018. "[116][117] Maine senator Susan Collins, Kentucky senator Rand Paul, and former New Jersey governor Chris Christie all expressed doubts in 2017 that Trump would be the 2020 nominee, with Collins stating, "It's too difficult to say. It is expected that more than 30 percent of eligible American voters will be nonwhite. D'autres États qui ont été fortement républicains dans le passé, comme l'Arizona et le Texas, sont considérés comme des Etats clés en 2020 en raison du soutien croissant dont bénéficie le parti démocrate dans ces Etats. [249][250] However, due to the worsening situation with regards to COVID-19 in Florida, the plans there were cancelled, and the convention was moved back to Charlotte in a scaled-down capacity. Regularly-scheduled elections will be held in 86 of the 99 state legislative chambers, and eleven states will hold gubernatorial elections. Candidates for the presidency typically seek the nomination of one of the various political parties of the United States, in which case each party develops a method (such as a primary election) to choose the candidate the party deems best suited to run for the position. Former vice president Joe Biden secured the Democratic nomination over his closest rival, Senator Bernie Sanders, in a competitive primary which featured the largest field of presidential candidates for any political party in the modern era of American politics. This nominating process is an indirect election, where voters cast ballots selecting a slate of delegates to a political party's nominating convention, who then in turn elect their parties' nominees for president and vice president. Donald Trump, 74 ans, et Joe Biden, 78 ans, sont les deux candidats en lice pour l'élection présidentielle de novembre. En 2016, environ 245 millions de personnes avaient le droit de voter, mais moins de 140 millions l'ont fait. Republicans currently hold 53 Senate seats, while Democrats hold 45 seats, and independents hold two seats. Trump or Biden would be the oldest candidate to be elected president, and if sworn in, Biden would become the oldest person to serve as president at 78 years old (surpassing Ronald Reagan who was 77 years old at the end of his second term). Various other state courts will also hold elections in 2020. A challenge to Dunlap's decision in Maine Superior Court was successful for the Maine Republican Party, but the case was appealed to the Maine Supreme Judicial Court. Les deux hommes sont septuagénaires : M. Trump aurait 74 ans au début de son second mandat, tandis qu'à 78 ans, M. Biden serait le plus âgé de tous les présidents de l'histoire à avoir effectué un premier mandat. [38], The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act included money for states to increase mail-in voting. "[65], As of February 2020, only 59% of Americans had confidence in the "honesty of U.S. Voting-rights advocates have expressed fear of similar chaos on a nationwide scale in November, recommending states to move to expand vote-by-mail options. Qui est le président de la transition au Mali ? If I'm not successful, I'm not voting for him. [123] In addition, businessman Rocky De La Fuente also entered the race, but was not widely recognized as a major candidate. [60] Iowa, Missouri, South Carolina, and Texas all delayed municipal elections, and in New York City the special election for Queens borough president was cancelled. [51] Walter R. Echo-Hawk was unopposed in a special election for president of the Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma Business Council[52] following the April 2020 recall of the prior president, James Whiteshirt. [255], The 2020 Green National Convention was originally to be held in Detroit, Michigan, from July 9 to 12. Various state executive positions are also up for election in 2020. The party's delegates then officially nominate a candidate to run on the party's behalf. Regularly-scheduled elections will be held in 86 of the 99 state legislative chambers in the United States; nationwide, regularly-scheduled elections will be held for 5,876 of the 7,383 legislative seats. [54] The briefing was delivered by Shelby Pierson, the intelligence community's top election security official and an aide to acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire. Ces lois sont souvent mises en place par des républicains qui affirment qu'elles sont nécessaires pour se prémunir contre la fraude électorale. "[63][64][65] At an August 17 campaign event in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Trump said that "the only way we're going to lose this election is if this election is rigged". Donald Trump, 74 ans, et Joe Biden, 78 ans, sont les deux candidats en lice pour l'élection présidentielle de novembre. [20], Following the 2020 United States Census, the state delegations to the U.S. House of Representatives will undergo reapportionment, and both the U.S. House of Representatives and the state legislatures will undergo redistricting. This constitutes 24 percent of all state supreme court seats in the country. In Tulsa, Oklahoma, incumbent mayor G. T. Bynum earned reelection by winning an outright majority in the August primary. Both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party nominated their respective presidential tickets at party conventions held in late August. Alpha Condé: le candidat des jeunes et des femmes ? Cependant, son rival l'a largement battue dans la course au collège électoral avec 304 grands électeurs contre 227 parce qu'il a remporté plusieurs élections serrées dans des États clés. Les États ont également des règles différentes sur la question de savoir si les prisonniers peuvent voter. Jo Jorgensen secured the Libertarian nomination with Spike Cohen as her running mate, and Howie Hawkins secured the Green nomination with Angela Nicole Walker as his running mate. During 2020, voters will consider a number of referendums, initiatives, ballot measures, and state constitutional amendments covering everything from Medicaid expansion to marijuana legalization to voting rights. [105][106] On January 25, 2019, the Republican National Committee unofficially endorsed Trump. S'ils disposaient d'une majorité dans les deux chambres, ils pourraient bloquer ou retarder les projets du président Trump s'il devait être réélu. [d] Due to vacancies and party-switching that have occurred since the 2018 elections, Democrats currently hold 232 seats, compared to 198 seats held by Republicans and one seat, that of Justin Amash, held by the Libertarian Party. Le soutien au parti tend à être plus fort dans les zones urbaines des États-Unis. Les membres de la Chambre ont un mandat de deux ans tandis que les sénateurs ont un mandat de six ans. Additionally, Arizona and Georgia will hold special elections to fill Class III Senate vacancies; the winners of those elections will serve two-year terms. Joe Biden is the Democratic Party's nominee after securing a majority of delegates in the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries. As with other elections in the country, the coronavirus pandemic disrupted many elections, delaying primaries and shifting some voting from in-person to postal. Barring vacancies and party-switching, Democrats will enter the election with control of approximately 232 of the 435 seats in the House of Representatives,[a] while Republicans will enter the 2020 elections with control of 53 of the 100 seats in the Senate. Le vaccin anti-coronavirus sera-il bientôt disponible ? Republicans won control of the Senate in the 2014 Senate elections and retained that majority through the 2016 and 2018 Senate elections. § 7 – U.S. Code – Unannotated Title 3. Voters will select presidential electors who in turn will vote on December 14, 2020, to either elect a new president and vice president or reelect the incumbents Donald Trump and Mike Pence respectively. Other presidential candidates include Don Blankenship of the Constitution Party, Rocky De La Fuente of the Alliance Party, Gloria La Riva of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, Brian T. Carroll of the American Solidarity Party, independent candidate Brock Pierce, and rapper Kanye West, who is affiliated with the Birthday Party.[5]. [49][50] On October 4, 2019, Microsoft announced that "Phosphorus", a group of hackers linked to the Iranian government, had attempted to compromise e-mail accounts belonging to journalists, U.S. government officials and the campaign of a U.S. presidential candidate. [221], Howie Hawkins became the presumptive nominee of the Green Party on June 21, 2020, and was officially nominated by the party on July 11, 2020. Découvrez notre approche en matière de liens externes. [31] The 11th Democratic debate was held on March 15 without an audience at the CNN studios in Washington, D.C.[32] Several states also postponed their primaries to a later date, including Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Ohio, and Maryland. On August 11, 2020, Biden announced that his running mate would be Senator Kamala Harris, making her the first African-American, the first Indian-American, the first Asian-American, and the third female vice presidential nominee on a major party ticket. Non. [51][52] The Voice of America reported in April 2020 that "Internet security researchers say there have already been signs that China-allied hackers have engaged in so-called 'spear-phishing' attacks on American political targets ahead of the 2020 vote. Dans ces États, souvent appelés aussi "swing states" (Etats qui balancent), les électeurs sont répartis de manière relativement égale entre les démocrates et les républicains. All 435 voting seats in the United States House of Representatives will be up for election; 218 seats are necessary for a majority. The first is scheduled to take place on September 29, and is being co-hosted by Case Western Reserve University and the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. The winner of the 2020 presidential election is scheduled to be inaugurated on January 20, 2021. Bynum wins a second term as the Tulsa mayor; 3 city councilors win, 3 go to runoff", "Partisanship in United States municipal elections (2020)", "Baltimore's Democratic voters nominate Scott for mayor in narrow primary victory over former officeholder Dixon", "Riverside mayoral matchup appears set for November election", "Carmen Yulin Cruz, Mayor Of San Juan, Reportedly Eyes Governor Seat In Puerto Rico", "Stockton mayoral race headed for November runoff", "Voters in Washington, D.C. seem poised to green light effort to decriminalize psychedelics", "President Burnette: Ft. McDowell election results", "Incumbents returned to office in Sault Tribe election", "Oneida Nation general election results in, Tehassi Hill re-elected as Chairman", "Election Results for the Tribal Council Positions", "Shakopee tribe elects Anderson as chairman to replace Vig", "Apache Tribe of Oklahoma election results", "Certification of 2020 Pawnee Business Council Special Election", "2020 Re-Call Election # 2 OFFICIAL Result", "Official Certified 2020 Primary Election Results", "White Earth Chairman Fairbanks re-elected; Tibbetts and Jackson to face off for council seat", "Robert (Bobby) Deschampe To Be The New Grand Portage Tribal Council Chairperson", "Notice of 2020 Crow Tribe Executive Branch Elections Filing Deadline for Candidates for Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Vice Secretary", "Oglala Sioux Tribe Approves Medical, Recreational Marijuana", "2020 Democratic Primary Election: Voting Postponed in 7 States Because of Virus", "Political responses to the coronavirus pandemic, 2020", "As Coronavirus Delays Primary Season, States Weigh Expanding Absentee Voting", "How will coronavirus affect 2020 elections? Biden became the party's presumptive nominee in early April 2020 after Bernie Sanders withdrew from the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries. [254] It was eventually decided by the Libertarian National Committee that the party would hold two conventions, one online from May 22–24 to select the presidential and vice-presidential nominees and one at a physical convention in Orlando, Florida, from July 8–12 for other business. Join our team: stevebullock.com", "Montana Gov. ", "How the Coronavirus Changed the 2020 Campaign", "Voting by mail in a pandemic: A state-by-state scorecard", "Confusion, long lines at some poll sites as eight U.S. states vote during coronavirus pandemic", "Here's the *real* reason Donald Trump is attacking mail-in ballots", "Trump's False Attacks on Voting by Mail Stir Broad Concern", "The Memo: Democrats grapple with virus response", "Wounded by media scrutiny, Trump turned a briefing into a presidential tantrum", "Milwaukee Claims 7 Coronavirus Cases Tied To Controversial Wisconsin Election", "Trump's Oklahoma rally can go ahead, court rules", "Trump makes a rare retreat by rescheduling Juneteenth rally in Tulsa", "Trump rally delivers Saturday-record 7.7 million viewers on Fox News", "U.S. Sees Russia, China, Iran Trying to Influence 2020 Elections", "2020 Election Meddling by China, Iran, N. Korea Likely, Administration Officials Warn", "Trump campaign targeted by Iran-linked hackers", "Iranians tried to hack U.S. presidential candidate in effort that targeted hundreds, Microsoft says", "China, Caught Meddling in Past Two US Elections, Claims 'Not Interested' in 2020 Vote", "FBI official: Russia wants to see US 'tear ourselves apart, "Bernie Sanders briefed by U.S. officials that Russia is trying to help his presidential campaign", "Russia Is Said to Be Interfering to Aid Sanders in Democratic Primaries", "Lawmakers Are Warned That Russia Is Meddling to Support Trump", "Joe Biden says Russia, not China, is greatest threat to 2020 election", "US election 2020: China, Russia and Iran 'trying to influence' vote", "What if Trump won't accept 2020 defeat?