As with any technology there’s always room for improvement and options but overall worth the $$ for me, Can’t create fixture profiles without my show crashing. Here are some things we've learned that weren't immediately evident from the App Store and website. Luminar 3.0 to 3… In the future, I would like to see the developer add more features for controlling smart lights, such as the ability to store animations on the Hue bridge for smoother and faster playback; making preset animations such as fire and lightning simulation, strobing effects with speed control, etc. Glitchy and crashes, not expected from a app that was $99, I have a lot more to worry about at my events than a glitchy app. a few things ---- 1) synthe-fx, the manufacturer of luminair, answered my pre-purchase questions quickly and with the straight ahead answers I needed to decide if this would work with me. Der erste Kontakt war bei mir sehr zwiegespalten. The price seems steep, but the quality shows. #Luminar #Skylum #madewithluminarSkylum have just launched the free update for Luminar 4.2 to 4.3 and with it brings some new features and some updates. You have to navigate sub menus etc to reach what you want. Note: The app used to occasionally crash on my iPad 3 with low memory, but it hasn’t so far with my iPad 6 series. Luminar Review | The Initial Impression. I have found the developers have not been very willing to make suggested changes, like the ability to lock project, scene and channel editing ability with independent separate special passwords, in order to make the app more useable in a permanent install environment. A few more effects or patterns designed for moving heads would be amazing. Skylum – das muss einfach funktionieren! This new version definitely makes control of moving heads a breeze, which is we're past versions lacked a bit. Luminair is simple and useful, because it has editable scenes with faders that can be easily changed. While a true Luminar 3 review shouldn't just focus on the money, it is an attention-grabbing proposition. This in no way affects my review process, or my opinions, as I hope will be evident by this review. Of late, I really appreciate the live effects Synthe-FX has been adding. Sehr schön hingegen ist die automatische Aktualisierung der Bibliothek, wenn externe Programme Bilder in die von Luminar verwalteten Ordner legen. This is a true replacement for a full lighting console. Mein üblicher Workflow nach einem Tag Shooting beginnt mit dem Fotoimport. Both were amazed with the expressiveness and impressiveness of our system, and with its simplicity. Review: Luminar 3 with Libraries — The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Luminar, Software. Lag? This typically happens while making new scenes. Luminar is an all-in-one photo editing and effects program that comes with its own built in Library tool for browsing, searching and organising your photos. It’s a fantastic product for the mobile lighting geeks. Luminar does not have Adobe’s cloud sync and mobile app support. When you open the program for the first time, it will ask you to indicate where your photographs are. But now that I'm past the learning curve it is a very useful app. Albern finde ich aktuell übrigens noch den Tab „Info“. Easy to use and powerful. Not sure if that is an issue with my tablet or the software. Plus it's wireless and allows you to mix lights from anywhere. may be paid for any app purchases made by users of our website. Other than that it is a great program and well worth the money spent. This is a quick comparison review between the Onyx Boox Note Air and the Note2. Lassen wir uns überraschen. Luminar 3 is an image editor, and photo library rolled into one. Let’s see else Luminar 3 brings in our Luminar 3 Review. We Mix Masterz have A lot of lights in this app can just run in the way we would like for them to be ran since this app and out 2011 we been learning more more in every update you guys given us more in I like that. Aktuell verwende ich für meine Canon-Kamera noch DPP um die Objektivkorrektur vorzunehmen. Part of the Luminair 3 tutorial video series. That's the green channel for the downstage side light. Kein Import. Once installed, Luminair really is an artistic instrument that allows you to continually develop the complexity, richness, and impact of your lighting, without ever itself getting more complex. Timing. (8 ADJ LED pars & 2 geysers) If you're looking for an incredibly easy way to run a wireless light show this is the only option to date. Not to mention how cool and hi tech it looks when you are controlling the lights via iPad. With Luminar latest update 3.1.1, I can now recommend with confidence Luminar 3 for your editing and asset management needs. Luminar ist bekannt als professionelles Bildbearbeitungsprogramm. Lange Zeit gab es nur eine Version für macOS, doch mittlerweile wird auch eine Windows-Version zum Download … Disclosure: is not affiliated in any way including development, production, management, marketing, design, or otherwise with any iOS app. Auf dem MacBook Pro mit nur relativ wenigen Bildern hatte ich ein echtes Wow-Erlebnis. Really easy to use once you get over the initial roadblocks of setting it up. Share. OS Compatibility. Overview: Luminar 3 Review. Tweet. Ich möchte meine > 100.000 Bilder nicht noch einmal nach Gesichtern, Orten, Events und Verwendungsmöglichkeit der Bilder ordnen und von Hand in die entsprechenden Ordner ziehen. Using it with ~25 fixtures; had a board that could handle 8/16 fixtures and decided to give a software-based option a try. I’ve been trying the beta for a few days and here’s what I found. Jahr/JJJJMMTT. So z.B. For me, a lighting director at a small children's theater, Luminair was a breath of fresh air. Just paid $99 for this app only to find out that it crashes on the scenes tab. Regular updates. Don't get me wrong: it takes time to set up, but Luminair makes the work as fluid as possible. That will prevent the sudden “BLACKOUT” (for no reason) from happening. Luminair provides a clear, intuitive interface, where I can label everything and even group fixtures in ways that make sense to me. The solution seems to be delete the last scene and start over. Flex is the Luminar plug in for Adobe apps and is available for free to Luminar 4 users. Only when you first start using might a few things not work as straightforward as you'd expect. Aber zumindest das Stapeln von JPEG+RAW, das mit sehr fehlt, soll ja laut Roadmap noch kommen. I also love that it works on all brands of devices. Luminair has always been very buggy since the very very beginning, and that has not changed very much over the years honestly. Noch ist das Bibliotheksmodul für mich so nicht verwendbar und ich schließe mich damit nicht den begeisterten Reviews auf Youtube & Co. an, die den kleinen Funktionsumfang als das Größte überhaupt darstellen. Thomas Fitzgerald. Imagine Lightroom with massively expanded editing and effects tools, but much less sophisticated cataloging. (Issues included bonehead wrong addresses, a brand new but faulty wireless router, router placement, and even the sequence of powering thing up.) I often find this app’s simplicity frustrating, especially with the highly limited effects options available, and the inability to use those effects easily, without needing to create duplicate faders mapped to duplicate channels that have those different effects patched into them. When you tap, that sets the bpm, but your tapping beat does not translate to making the scenes change on that beat. Flickering lanterns, pulsing fireplaces, lightning strikes, and magical transformations are just a few of the things I've been able to achieve—and with very little configuration. Der … I found out about this Luminair app and wow, it’s easy to use just load in make and model of lights and off you go. This program is available for both Mac and PC users. 11 Dec 2018 0 iMore. nach Metadaten zu filtern. So basically you cannot produce a strobe this way. I would give it 10stars if I could. Maybe they don't exist. I have used the Luminar 2018 earlier. This video shows the basics of adding and working with DMX Faders in Luminair 3. I have mix of DMX branded devices so this is perfect. We have a combination of LED instruments and traditional Source Fours, and although we had some lighting experience, we had never set up a DMX system and, as mentioned in other reviews, that part was very challenging. If the text label on top of the fader is bigger or a large translucent text under fixtures faders would help finding channel with ease. Sicher, dafür wären die Alben da, jedoch ist ein Import einer größeren Fotobibliothek so sehr, sehr mühsam. Created a color is super easy as well. One very powerful feature is the ability to create thumbnails for each scene, which means that literally anyone off the street could be handed an iPad and do a fairly professional-looking light show with little or no training. Ebenso gibt es leider keine Option, bereits erfasste Bilder zu überspringen – ganz im Gegenteil. Auf dem MacBook Pro mit nur relativ wenigen Bildern hatte ich ein echtes Wow-Erlebnis. Plenty of flexibility with fixture profiles, and a super responsive and helpful developer. Hier versteckt sich noch ein fetter Fehler: Existieren die Ziel-Ordner, bzw. Luminar 3 could be a great program to use in editing your images. Vektorgrafiken erstelle ich im Affinity-Designer und Fotos möchte ich nun in Luminar 3 verwalten. I would definitely not recommend this software, especially considering the price. Skylum Luminar 3 is available for both Mac as well as Windows users. The majority of improvements to Luminar 3 come from the addition of the new “Libraries” function. Alles war blitzschnell und alles, was ich anklickte war sofort da. In the two months since we built our system, we've had two very accomplished lighting techs come into our auditorium, and both responded that they'd heard of Luminair but never used it and, seeing the iPad, "can I give it a try?" After setting up all, accessing the scene is great. I had used an old lighting console for a few years and quickly became frustrated with all the mode-shifting: What does this fader do? Luminar 3 for Mac review: Serious competition for Adobe Lightroom has arrived An all-in-one imaging solution from Skylum Software arrives later this month for Mac and Windows. Making this thing go with your show is difficult. Matt Suess. 2 Module fehlen mir: GPS-Daten aus tracks per Batch hinzufügen (gibts alternativen) aber Objektiv-Korrektur als Stapelverarbeitung für alle Fotos gibt es nicht. Keratin Recovery Shampoo (individually $11 for 9.3 oz) Keratin Strengthening Conditioner ($11 for 3.4 oz) Clarifying Body Wash ($11 for 9.3 oz) Charcoal Cleanser ($12.80 for 1.7 oz) Moisturizing Balm ($23.20 for 1.7 oz) The first three cover your showering needs while the latter two are all about skincare. Hoping the update is worth the double dipping that is needed to update my equipment. Dieses praktische Werkzeug ermöglicht es dir, mit nur einem Fingerstrich an einem Schieberegler fast augenblicklich einen schönen Himmel zu erhalten. Ich habe mir angewöhnt, Bilder in Jahres-Ordnern und Tages-Unterordnern zu organisieren und den Namen jeweils um das Ereignis zu erweitern. Also, I like to do transitions every other beat. The workaround for that bug is to turn off the output in the app, load the project, then turn the output back on again. Außerdem reduziert es … All its tools are ‘non-destructive’, so you can go back at any time to undo the changes you’ve made to your pictures or try a different look completely. Es ist jetzt einfacher als je zuvor. Die ästhetische Anmutung und die intuitive Bedienung haben ein breites Grinsen in mein Gesicht gezaubert. Luminar 3 3.0.1 kann gratis von unserem Software-Portal heruntergeladen werden. It looked highly intuitive and I wanted to try it out. Or a slow flashing. gibt es dort schon mindestens ein Bild, passiert das unglücklichste, das hätte passieren können: Nichts. As long as you can find a DMX map you can easily create a custom fixture profile if it’s not already in the library. Overall it's still worth the money until there's some competition. Zusätzlich kann man die Bilder Filtern, nach Datum anordnen lassen und so genannte Alben erzeugen. Say for like, a musical. once everything is talking - HAVE FUN with everything you can do that would take forever on many smaller to medium size consoles. heißt mein letzter Import: 2018/20181215_Jiu-Jitsu-Prüfungen im TSV-Berlin-Wittenau. Makes my lighting life easier Dieses Programm gehört zur Kategorie "Bild und Graphik" und Unterkategorie "Bildbetrachter und Bildbearbeiter". It also shifts Luminar from being a single image editor to more of a photo workflow application. Is it is great to look at. Also, tends to crash if you make a lot (70-80plus) scenes. I am not tied to a dmx board and can walk around the room with my iPad to tweak in the lighting, and set my scenes for the moving heads. Overtime, Luminar 3 has become one of the most prominent image editing programs for photographers. Leider wurde die Freude schnell von einigen Kleinigkeiten getrübt: Unvollständige Übersetzungen – bei den Bild-Auswahlfiltern stand z.B. No problem. Really great. But if you have a lot of channels and needed to make a change on a particular channel, it may be hard to find because you will have to scroll through many pages and all fader looks the same. I have read on their website that it may work with 3rd party visualizers, but I don’t have a clue how to integrate the two. There seems to be some lag between when you press a scene and when it goes into effect. Hi, guter erster EIndruck, danke! So 3/5. It's not just a to b. To be able to sit in the audience and control the spots as they walk across the stage is unbelievable. WB. Ehrlich gesagt, bin ich bei der Objektivkorrektur auch noch recht ratlos. Tipps für schärfere Bilder mit der Canon EOS 5Ds, Intel® PRO/1000 CT Netzwerkadapter ohne zusätzliche…, Quicktip: Schlafmodi bei Elementary-OS deaktivieren. I'm excited to use the new fire effect! Save yourself thousands of dollars and get an incredible, highly functional alternative with Luminaire! Every time I do a show I find something new and exciting. Thanks for the great app. Hier gibt es ein kleines Minimal-Set von Informationen über das Bild, was aber weder erweiterbar noch anpassbar ist: Datum, Bildabmessungen, Größe, Histogramm und ein paar Basisinfos sind einfach zu wenig. Luminair 3 is a professional-grade lighting control app, exclusively for iOS, that gives lighting designers, filmmakers and TV professionals, musicians, artists and other enthusiasts advanced control over DMX-enabled lights, as well as the next generation of "Smart" lights like Philips Hue. aus den EXIF-Informationen zu importieren. In beiden Modi ist eine Einzelbildansicht möglich. Aktuell angeboten wird: Wünschenswert wäre hier ein frei definierbares Muster – wie z.B. Heute freuen wir uns, Luminar 3.1.1, das neueste Update der preisgekrönten Fotobearbeitungs- und -verwaltungssoftware von Skylum, bekanntzugeben. It's far from perfect. Use Luminair 3 on a mobile rig for stage lighting using an iPad Pro. 3. DecSlater's Review of Luminair 3. 3) getting used to programming the moving head fixtures took a little longer, but, after 6 hours, I had a short version of my show programmed, enough to use it on the second night of deployment. Die ästhetische Anmutung und die intuitive Bedienung haben ein breites Grinsen in mein Gesicht gezaubert. Continued development I am using luminaire on an iPad Air with a DMXKing Artnet device. Overall I am glad I switched to this product. I bought this software to allow me to control an array of Philip Hue lights for multimedia art performances. And it's competitors haven't got anything close. We go out of our way to use it versus a regular lighting console. That being said, it seems there hasn’t been a cure for a long time bug about assignment of fixture's DMX address if not in order. Kommentar von Skylum: kurz: gibt es nicht. Ebenso fehlt eine Möglichkeit, die Metadaten der Bilder zu editieren oder z.B. Wie oben schon geschrieben, ist die Schnellbearbeitung sehr gut umgesetzt. I have a full DMX system set up for my church youth department's drama club and this is Amazing! 1) the videos don't do Luminair justice. The only thing I wish for is to have multi-device control by having server (PC/Mac) do all the hard work and send out UDP packets so devices be truly wireless and all be on the same page. Need to change the order of the faders to be more convenient? Beim Import bietet zwar ein paar Einstellungen für den Import, aber die „Organisieren“-Option ist bei weitem noch unflexibel. I purchased luminair, along with an ENTTEC Ethernet to DMX converter and a high-power netgear router to use exclusively with my lighting system (I already have a wifi network on stage for IEM control, but elected to keep things separate, but, you could use the same router, if you choose). The rest of the app seems ok, but this is unacceptable. It takes a second to record your tempo and as a result is off beat. This is an excellent solution for portable lighting control, when a console would be overkill or you need the convenience of an iDevice. Click on another fixture and those settings update to the selected item. just as an aside, it does take a little bit of technical know how to get everything talking (you need to make sure luminair is speaking the correct "language", the ENTTEC device is on the correct IP address and speaking the selected language in luminair, and your router is comfortable just receiving and sending only LAN data (since you won't have anything plugged into the WAN port, like routers expect to see in normal operation) and is set with the correct IP group, as well. I'm shifted into Bank 2, so that's the center-left front wash. Argh! Reviewed on 8/30/19 1:51 PM. (We are never going to buy a board.) 2) I was able to program everything I needed all of my par lights to do at home without first trying it in real time - worked exactly as expected as soon as hooked up. I look forward to using it on the road, but buyer beware. Luminair is simple and useful, because it has editable scenes with faders that can be easily changed. And while I’ll explore some of these AI-based features later on in this Luminar 4 review, let me say right off the bat that Luminar’s AI tools are impressive. Schon bei der Installation fielen mir Schreibfehler in d… We’ve got a full review on Luminar 3 on Cultured Kiwi too, so go check that out if you want to know more. It allows me to create scenes much more quickly than my old school rack mount controller from Chauvet. Luminar’s speciality is AI (artificial i… Dieses fehlende Modul macht Luminar fast wertlos für mich. Luminair is a fantastic app! More stable and several workflow and GUI improvements. A few functions are a bit counter-intuitive (I would prefer my master and blackout controls always on screen - not hidden under a separate button press, since that something I often need to grab quickly; saving scenes can also not exactly work how you'd expect (so be sure to familiarize yourself with exactly how to save /overwrite your programs); and it's important to understand how to select colors properly, but, once you know how the software works, that'll be second nature. Die Fortschrittsanzeige bewegt sich quälend langsam voran, das Programm verbraucht nur wenig CPU-Leistung – mutmaßlich limitiert hier die Festplatte. This is the only software that I’ve found that can fully automate my Hue lights, including changing the brightness and colors of the bulbs and switching between scenes, in tandem with other software that I use for music and video playback. And don't forget to download the luminair manual from their website - it's available before purchase so you can decide if it's right for you! Please make this update! Nach der Installation gab ich also meinen Foto-Ordner an und legte den Katalog auf eine schnelle SSD… und schaute auf die Meldung „Bildergalerie wird erstellt“. Das Feature soll laut Skylum im Sommer 2019 kommen und Smart-Search heißen. Aber schön ist das nicht und ohne ein gutes Import-Modul für die Bilder der Speicherkarte, macht Luminar 3 noch nicht wirklich Spaß. We expected to need to pay a couple thousand for a light board, but decided to try Luminair, almost as a fill-in until we learned enough about the venue to make a good controller decision. Positiv aufgefallen ist mir, dass viele der von Lightroom bekannten Tastenkürzel zu Bewertung und Verwaltung genauso funktionieren. It's actually a lot more powerful than it looked when we noticed it in the App Store or researched it online. Luminar's stability has improved since my first review of the previous version, and it's one of the focuses of the newest version. The app still often crashes randomly, especially when saving project files, or creating a custom button icon with the camera, despite the latest iOS updates and app updates. Lights will be set to sound activated like before and now I’m out almost $200 for having to buy a app twice since instead of offering a update for the original version, they made the original version incompatible with current operating systems so you must purchase at full price again. Vornweg – ich nutze Luminar 2018 schon seit geraumer Zeit sporadisch, habe aber bisher oft in Lightroom 6 den besseren Helfer gefunden. Die Nutzeroberfläche von Luminar 3 ist sehr aufgeräumt und einfach zu verstehen. Skylum Luminar 3 erster Blick Die neuen Bildverwaltung ist sehr unkompliziert: Sie bleibt synchron mit dem angegebenen Ordner im Dateisystem. Unser Antiviren-Test hat ergeben, dass dieser Download frei von Schadsoftware ist. There are issues however, some more serious that I have had to figure out how to work around. It has got more than 300 powerful features and tools you would love to work with, these features include RAW support, masking, custom brush for editing, Luminar Looks, various photo filters, among others. The release brings a couple of new features along with lots of other fixes and tweaks., and seeing each other (be sure to use the included program for properly set the ENTTEC device) you'll be good to go. Das ist gerade für Umsteiger sehr schön. Having to purchase the new version was worth it. First started with regular console and quickly found out that we need better flexibly in programming scenes. This makes the dimming the lights jumpy. While it took a considerable amount of time to program a show into a completely new lighting control system (I had used a medium size hog console up until this point, but simplified my system and wanted the freedom to have my lighting engineer go wireless.). Hast du beispielsweise ein Foto, das du einem bestimmten Ordner zuordnen möchtest? Skylum ist sich des Problems bewusst und die Möglichkeit steht schon auf der Roadmap für: Tada! I've been a Luminair user since the beginning, I have tested every other DMX control app/software on the market and nothing even comes close to the power of Luminair. Other then the occasional issues with the iCloud syncing this app has worked very well. Luminair 3 is a professional-grade lighting control platform that gives lighting designers, filmmakers and TV professionals, musicians, artists and other enthusiasts advanced wireless control over DMX-enabled lights and other equipment, as well as the next generation of "Smart" lights like Philips Hue. I have seen other mobile apps with Chauvet where you can use your phone, but they are proprietary and limited to just changing RGB colors. Folgende Version wird von den Benutzerinnen und Benutzern dieses Programms am häufigsten heruntergeladen: 3.0. These things may seem small, but when you're dealing with a very full universe of conventional lights, smart lights, media players, remote props, etc., it is essential. Deine E-Mail-Adresse wird nicht veröffentlicht. Ich versuche auch Luminar als Alternative zum Abo-Model von Lightroom zu etablieren. Der Fotoverwaltung fehlt bisher noch die Möglichkeit, eigene Tags zu verwenden bzw. The good with the app Or, it could sit behind Lightroom Classic CC as the go-to software. This ads a basic image database of sorts, and a catalogue. I truly can't say enough good things about Luminair and Synthe FX. Das Programm ist in diesem Zustand nicht verwendbar. No, this version is not a free upgrade. Aktuell kann Luminar 3 leider noch nicht Lightroom von meinen Rechnern verdrängen, ist aber deutlich auf dem richtigen Weg. After looking at the AI, name labels and such it seems to me that Flex is based off the Luminar 2018 code stream. Luminair is the future in lighting design! I have seen a few instances of my moving head stuttering in linked mode when adjusting the XY position, but it seldom happens, and in all fairness I never reported this to the support team. Also with moving heads, I love how I can create complex movements. We're extremely pleased with Luminair, and are happy to highly recommend it. You can put labels on them, pictures, icons, the works. Wenn die oben beschriebenen Ecken und Kanten behoben sind, wird es sicherlich zu einem Tool, das man wirklich gerne nutzt. Schon bei der Installation fielen mir Schreibfehler in den Dialogen auf, das hatte ich bis dahin ignoriert. Thus, the new version has solved one of the significant drawbacks of the earlier version. Sure, they make mistakes (Luminar isn’t going to put dedicated editors such as Photoshop out of business anytime soon), but it is amazing what you can do with some Luminar AI power and a few clicks. It's ideally suited for amateurs and professionals photographers alike. Luminair has always been very buggy since the very very beginning, and that has not changed very much over the years honestly. I had made 15 new scenes at one point and it crashed. Dec 06, 2018. Fotografen wie ich, schauen gerne mal nach Bildern einer bestimmten Brennweite, einer bestimmten Kamera oder nach einem Objektiv. I'm a sound guy and didn't care to learn a whole lot about running a light show, but still need to provide lights with my service. Dennoch ist man für den Import noch auf externe Tools angewiesen, wenn man nicht von den starren Luminar-Optionen angesprochen wird. Die gezeigten Informationen sind darüber hinaus auch nicht verlässlich: Fehlen sie in den EXIF-Informationen wird Unsinn angezeigt: f0.7, -1.0ev – das ist schade. Two problems. The program often crashes. Oops! Speziell beim Import und bei der Anzeige der Bildinformationen patzt das Programm noch gewaltig. Alles war blitzschnell und alles, was ich anklickte war sofort da. I will be using my 13” mid-2013 model MacBook Air and 27” Late 2012 model iMac to do Luminar 3.1.1 review. Things we haven't yet got to include integrating movers into our looks, although we've borrowed some instruments and they are easily programmed. I have used Luminair for film, television, and in night clubs it has always worked reliably and with ease. Primarily for a number of school districts that I work for and their in-house dimmer racks. This app is exactly what we needed plus many more advanced features that we don't use yet. During my review, there were no halos, noise, or any other artefact that appeared due to the edit – this was especially impressive with backlit photos, where typically, halos tend to creep in around foreground elements. So I will tap o every other beat. But, it lacked the Library feature. I love Luminaire 3!! With skypanels and Litegear's on film shoot could make 200% better ability! Would be great if there were more setting buttons on the main interface and if the settings screen on the right could just stay open. Ich nutze dies zum Anlass, meine Erfahrungen mit Luminar zu teilen. Das für mich absolut unpassende Abomodell von Adobe, lässt mich aber immer weiter in die Richtung der Alternativen driften. Some settings I cannot even find. Luminar. In our case, we kept plugging along until we figured everything out, and at that point, everything became rock solid and pretty exhilarating. The program does not allow for a bpm that slow. 4. Is Luminar 4 a free upgrade? 2. Need to move an entire fixture to the top of the fader layout, without upsetting its channels? I've been using Luminair since near the beginning. I would give this app 5 stars except lighting control faders are limited to 8 bit. Score. I have a master template that I have built for the Grand entrance, first dance, and dance lighting effects. „Showing only“. Die Organisationsmöglichkeiten orientieren sich an der Ordnerstruktur, was ich sehr, sehr begrüße. My initial review of Luminar 3 was not too favorable that went as far as a Not Recommended due to poor performance due to load times of 15+ minutes, and a few other issues. Very easy to use,product support is fantastic. Das Bildbearbeitungsprogramm „Luminar“ ermöglicht Ihnen, Fotos sowie Rohdateien im RAW-Format mit zahlreichen Filtern zu optimieren und zu verwalten. Once it crashes, whatever you are doing will make it crash again. I practically run the whole theater's equipment from a 12.9" iPad Pro, and it wouldn't be possible without Luminair. Zum Beispiel werden alle Filter, in denen Veränderungen gemacht wurden, gelb eingefärbt und man kann so gleich sehen, wo man gearbeitet hat. Bottom line is this fantastic!!! Der erste Kontakt war bei mir sehr zwiegespalten. Speziell das Umschalten von der Bibliotheksansicht in die Bearbeitungsansicht ist schnell und einfach. Klar > 100.000 Fotos sind viel, sollten aber für ein modernes Programm handhabbar sein. Gut funktioniert für die schnelle Bildbearbeitung auch die Leiste mit den „Looks“, in der das aktuelle Bild mit dem jeweiligen Filter schon als Voransicht gezeigt wird. I love how once scenes are created how they are controlled. Völlig unverständlich ist für mich auch, dass es keine Möglichkeit gibt RAW- und JPEG-Dateien zu stapeln oder einen der beiden Dateitypen auszublenden. It’s very inexpensive compared to the other alternatives out there. Create ovals, oscillating patterns, circles you name it. The only other thing it could really use is a visualizer to take it to another level.