En effet, le club Sang et Or vient d’officialiser l’arrivée de l’ancienne joueuse et entraîneur de la section féminine du Montpellier Hérault Sport Club, Sarah M’Barek. Recognizing the potential of these new glasses for photographic lenses, the company hired Dr. Paul Rudolph, who designed the famous Anastigmat, Planar, and Tessar lenses. Lenses will be discussed below and elsewhere in this blog. In 1909, Palmos was transferred to the ICA group, and the Jena company returned to lens manufacture. Earlier models had shutter-mounted releases, while later editions had releases mounted on the body. Depuis 2019, elle gérait la sélection nationale féminine de Djibouti. Fortunately, European camera manufacturers never bought into the 620 concept, and all of the European medium format roll film cameras employed 120 film. Son frère Richard a également été footballeur professionnel. Camera and lens production continued through the merger with Voigtlander (see above) until camera production ceased in1972. Some had a folding optical finder and others had a tubular optical finder. The Baldix was similar to the 6×6 cm Baldax but lacked the frame counter. In 1904, the company absorbed Holmes (the maker of the famed cameras), and three other companies (including A. C. Jackson, manufacturer of the Ilex cameras) to form Houghtons Ltd., continuing production of the Sanderson cameras until 1939. Overall, when in good condition, these are compact and very functional 6×6 cm cameras. Dernière modification le 21 avril 2020, à 15:42, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Daniel_Krawczyk&oldid=169840102, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Later models had provision for 4.5×6 and 6×6 cm formats with drop-in masks. Over the years, the majority of these formats have been eliminated, and roll film is presently available primarily in 35mm and 120 sizes, together with 4×5, 5×7, and 8×10 sheet film. One thing you should be aware of: Kodak’s ill-fated (to my mind) experiment with 620 film. Après avoir disputé plusieurs matchs de championnat en 1980-1981, il devient titulaire l'année suivante. It was available with an f/3.5 Enna Ennagon, f/2.9 Isco Westar or f/4.5 Balda Baltar. 14 avril 2009 à 12:46 #61994. lensois46. The company’s headquarters were called Ensign House in 1901, and the company began producing roll film under the Ensign. The Tessar is preferred, although the Nettar and Novar lenses, both of which are three element lenses, have been reported to produce respectable results. The Ikontas and Super Ikontas (equipped with coupled rangefinders) were. The Super Baldax cameras were higher-grade versions of the parent cameras with coupled rangefinders. Prewar lenses were typically uncoated, while units produced after the war more commonly had coated lenses. The shutter is a Compur-Rapid or Synchro-Compur with a top speed or 1/400 or 1/500 second, respectively. A camera is a box with a lens on one end and film on the other. Prontor or Compur shutters are preferred; some models came with the cheaper Vario, Klio or Derval shutters. As such, they were extremely popular in pre- and post-war Europe. However, many more, such as the Ansco Isolette and Speedex cameras, were produced by Agfa, and the company also rebranded many cameras made by Chinon, Ricoh, and Minolta. The Super Pontura is now rare, but was the top of Balda’s line of folding cameras designed for the demanding photographer. Il évolue alors au poste de milieu de terrain. In accordance with the nomenclature of the vertical series, cameras designated E had rangefinders and those designated L had selenium light meters. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. The two trading companies finally merged on January 1st, 1926 to form Houghton-Butcher (Great-Britain) Ltd., which was renamed Ensign Ltd. in 1930. Although 35mm is also a common format in the vintage camera market, I have elected to work exclusively with medium format cameras using 120 film because of the higher image quality inherent in the larger negative. Anonyme. With the exception of the Super Ikonta III and IV, the last of the Ikonta line, the Super Ikontas’ typical appearance resulted from their rotating wedge rangefinder, which had the wedge located on an arm attached to the lens standard. Votre adresse de messagerie ne sera pas publiée. A manual for the Weltur (in German) is available at http://www.scribd.com/doc/17619947/Manual-for-the-Weltax-camera. Après Boulogne-sur-Mer (2004-2009), après Valenciennes (2009-2011), Philippe Montanier va diriger un troisième club du Nord. Franka purchased its lower-end lenses from a variety of manufacturers. The following is a summary of my thoughts regarding a number of models of vintage medium format cameras suitable for fine art work. McKeown reports that the Cosina-produced Heliar lenses are of excellent quality. Partager la publication "Sarah M’Barek devient entraîneur du RC Lens (officiel)", Votre adresse de messagerie ne sera pas publiée. The East German component, VEB Zeiss Ikon Dresden, restarted production in 1945, but was forced to interrupt when the Russian Army took most of the existing Zeiss factory equipment, tooling and remaining personnel back to the Soviet Union to form the Kiev camera works as reparation for the destruction of Russian camera factories. Focusing is unusual, being accomplished with a knurled wheel on the top left of the body that moves the entire front lens/shutter combination in and out. Il devient ensuite entraîneur du Stade béthunois en 1998 mais ne reste pas au club durant l'ensemble de la saison[1]. On ne peut pas être déçus du résultat. series, were one of the most commercially successful of all Zeiss Ikon cameras. The IIIe, which was produced only in small numbers, possesses an uncoupled rangefinder but lacks the frame counter. After a long history of producing quality cameras and lenses, Voigtlander became a part of Zeiss in 1965. Its optical viewfinder included an uncoupled rangefinder. “VOIGTLANDER – Historial Lenses.” http://www.taunusreiter.de/Cameras/Bessa_RF_histo.html. Daniel Krawczyk est un footballeur français né le 7 août 1961 à Sains-en-Gohelle. In 1928, Ansco merged with Agfa’s US subsidiary to form Agfa-Ansco. L'entraîneur de Lens, écarté en raison de ses mauvais résultats depuis le début de l'année, sera remplacé par Franck Haise, en charge jusque-là de l'équipe B (N2). Yann Lachuer. The main disadvantage of the Bessa II is that it is very expensive: prices for a Bessa II with a Colour-Skopar range from $300 to $500; with a Colour-Heliar, from $500 to $800; and with the Apo-Lanthar, from $2400 to $2800. Donc leur victoire est tout à fait logique. Observed gravitational lensing is used to test and characterize the properties of substructures - the small-scale distribution of dark matter - in clusters. The lens is either a three element f/4.5 105mm Vaskar or a four element, Tessar-type f/3.5 105mm Color-Skopar. The Ansco Speedexes are identical to the Agfa Isolettes. The Ensign Selfix 820 Special is an 820 with a different top-plate assembly, which includes an uncoupled rangefinder and a nonfolding optical viewfinder. À nous et à moi d'y remédier [...]. The fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany in 1990 had vastly different implications for the Eastern and Western divisions of Zeiss. As candidates for fine art cameras using 120 roll film, Agfa-Ansco’s contenders out of its many products are the Isolettes (and their Ansco versions) in 6×6 cm and the higher-end Record cameras in 6×9 cm. Frankar, Westar, or Cassar lenses were less expensive, and probably lower quality, options. 620 is basically 120 film spooled onto a narrower spindle with smaller end flanges. Originally a manufacturer of microscopes and scientific instruments, the company founded the Schlott Glass Works to develop specialized optical glasses for microscopes. Restoration techniques will be discussed later. Ansco and Agfa-Ansco produced large numbers of cameras, many of which were inexpensive, consumer-grade “snapshot” cameras, while some were of good quality. Après un passage comme entraîneur du club de Barlin, il devient après une interruption de quatre ans l'entraîneur du CS Avion, tout juste relégué en Division d'Honneur[2]. The cable-release socket is standard, but the flash sync socket is unique to the Ensign line, and the special Ensign connectors are virtually unobtainable. The Mess-Baldix was an improved variant of the 6×6 cm Baldix. By 1908, the factory in Walthamstow was the largest camera factory in Britain. Consequently, like the passenger pigeon and the Siberian wolf, by the late 1950s this fine company had quietly faded away, with its assets auctioned off at bargain-basement prices. The prewar models had flip-up optical viewfinders, while postwar models had enclosed viewfinders, and, in the case of the Rolfix IIE, an uncoupled rangefinder. The Nettars, designed as a low cost alternative to the more expensive Ikonta. Ludwigs, to the high end Schneider Xenars and Xenons, and Zeiss Tessars and Biotars. Beedham has some interesting conclusions regarding the value of some simpler lenses versus more established names. Une région qu'il connaît bien et qu'il apprécie. “Super Ikonta”, Pacific Rim Camera, http://www.pacificrimcamera.com/pp/zeiss/sikonta/sikonta.htm. company, Carl Zeiss Jena, was founded in 1846 in the university city of Jena, in the province of Thuringia in eastern Germany. Après plusieurs années dans le club lensois, où il dispute deux éditions de la Coupe UEFA, il s'engage au Nîmes Olympique, alors en Division 2 et ayant comme objectif de monter, ce que le club ne réussit pas. T. Rand Collins MD on the Wonderful World of Vintage Camera Photography, and Some Musings on the Creative Process, Selecting a Vintage Camera I: Roll Film Cameras. See Darryl Young and Jurgen Kreckel’s informative web sites for a more in depth discussion of Agfa cameras and some examples of the image quality obtainable with Agfa lenses at http://www.cleanimages.com/Article-MediumFormatInYourPocket.asp and http://www.certo6.com/index.html. Later Solida III L models were equipped with selenium light meters; the III EL cameras had both. E. & H. T. Anthony & Co., begun in 1842, was the oldest American manufacturer of cameras and photographic supplies. Founded by Johann Christoph Voigtländer in Vienna in 1756 , Voigtlander was the first factory for optical instruments and precision mechanics in. With the exception of photo historians and camera collectors, Ensign cameras are almost unknown in the United States and Canada. There are a number of ways in which 120 can be used in a 620 camera, including rerolling 120 film onto 620 spindles in total darkness, or trimming off the edges of the flanges on the 120 rolls (see Camerapedia’s entry on these workarounds at http://www.camerapedia.org/wiki/620_film), but to my mind, the nuisance factor is just too great, and my 620 Kodak cameras are gracing the ends of my bookshelves. I have a coated f2.9 version that seems every bit as sharp as my uncoated Xenar…” Both the Trinar and Radionar were fitted to these cameras in an f/2.9 version, and the availablility of these faster lenses may be a factor in favour of choosing a Franka camera. These have been aptly described by Stephanie Marriott in the reference cited above; some of her comments are summarized below. As the waters have receded, however, some fine pieces of photographic equipment have been left behind on the shore. On est battus, on va analyser et repartir sur la prochaine journée. Some later models had rangefinders and light meters; these are desirable options if in working condition. However, even under the best of circumstances, one should be prepared to acquire a few cameras that are destined to spend their lives as bookends. “Classic Cameras.” http://www.amdmacpherson.com/classiccameras. The interplay between dark and luminous matter in dense cosmic environments like galaxy clusters is studied theoretically using cosmological simulations. Folding 120 roll film. In 1902, these two photographic giants merged to form Anthony and Scovill. Posted in Selecting a Camera | 21 Comments ». Balda cameras were fitted with a very wide range of lenses, from the low cost self-branded triplets through Meyers and. The company became state run after World War II, and was finally absorbed into VEB Pentacon in 1964. Nettar cameras were available in 6×9, 6×6, and 6×4.5 cm formats, and were equipped with either Tessar, Nettar, or Novar lenses. Le 23 juin 2012, il est nommé entraîneur de l'US Boulogne [1]. The Bessa II is of top quality and has excellent optics, being fitted with either. Viewfinders are of simple metal frame design except for those models with a viewfinder incorporated into the top plate assembly. Zeiss entered the camera manufacturing business in 1902 with the acquisition of the Palmos A.G. Company. As with the vertical models, there were some additional lens types used, including the f/3.5 Isconar, Ennagon, and Westar lenses and f/4.5 and f/3.5 Frankar lenses. In 1926, four camera manufacturers, ICA, Contessa-Nettel, Ernemann, and Goerz, merged to form Zeiss Ikon, which became one of the major photographic manufacturers in Dresden, with plants in Stuttgart and Berlin. models: I, II and IIIe, all with a viewfinder enclosed in the top housing. Beedhams. Carrière de joueur. It has made lenses for a variety of camera manufacturers, and produced for Franka the Isconar and Westar lenses. The Welturs came equipped with a variety of lenses, including a Cassar, Trinar, Radionar, Tessar, Trioplan or Xenar, mounted in Compur or Compur-Rapid shutter. Although simple and somewhat more lightly built than the Ikontas, they are worthy of consideration. The lens is a Ross Xpres f/3.5 75 mm. Welta, founded in 1914 as Weeka-Kamera-Werk, was one of the many camera manufacturing companies in the Dresden area in the early twentieth century. Isolette and Billy cameras came equipped with one of three lenses: The basic Agnar , the Apotar (a triplet), and the Solinar (a four-element Tessar design).