Vous êtes informé par E-mail ou SMS de l'arrivé de votre colis. When the ground is set, return of the land above the grafting point in order to avoid that the rose never dries out by the wind and from freezing in the winter. For that purpose, please find our contact info in the legal notice. Plant healthy and vigorous. Height approximately 2.50 m, A pure jewel. The decorative effect is ensured by the dark stripe that takes on the appearance of the chocolate. This rose scent very intense. This is a rose which is also noticed by the abundance of flowering uninterrupted by the quality of the plant very strong. Very good resistance to diseases. Très attendu par les jardiniers, c’est désormais en qualité de rosier grimpant qu’EMERA® va apporter du relief à tous les jardins ! Leave them in their original packaging in a cool place protected from frost, wind and heat. VESUVIA , une variété à partVoilà 16 ans que ses fleurs simples aux reflets de velours et aux étamines pleines de soleil font le charme des jardins.Pour les passionnés de roses simples, le DECOROSIERS VESUVIA est un vrai joyau : il […] Height : 2.50 m /+, Climbing small development. Dark green foliage. Flowering abundant and generous of June to the frosts. Rosa 'Fellowship' is a obtaining british created by Harkness in 1992. Colours yellow and creamy. Watering : Water thoroughly (8 to 10 L per rose) for planting. Retrait en Point Relais® de votre choix. Diameter of flower is 10 cm. Du lundi au vendredi 8h-20h, samedi 9h-18h - dimanche 9h-15h. Make a hole 50 cm deep and make an organic manure (aged manure, or compost 2 years minimum age...). Rose bush with flowers clustered. Free-flowering and fragrant. Check out the Rose VESUVIA Grimpant cheap on our shop www.roseraiebarth.com Foliage small, dense and shiny. Small, dark green leaves, 25 petals of pure white with a light heart ivory. Diameter of flower is 10 cm. Rose bushes in clods : They can be stored for several days at the expense "off-gel" before planting. For a planting of spring re-cut the branches from the end of march. Economic, low maintenance, optional size and easy. Large flowers in lilac-light purple, and its powerful fragrance make this climbing an exception ! Beyond 8 days put-in gauge. Le rosier grimpant est une plante grimpante qui donne un bel éclat à beaucoup de jardins français. For that purpose, please find our contact info in the legal notice. 30 petals. Excellent resistance to diseases. Very large flowers crumpled (80 petals, diameter 13 cm), in the shape of a peony, the charm and powerfully fragrant rose of may. Production of fruits in the autumn. Its double flowers are light pink colour. Choose an airy and sunny (at least 4 hours of sunlight), avoid the proximity of trees or northern exposure. Diameter of flower is 14 cm. give a rose bush outside the norm, hence the name XXL. Le rosier grimpant Mini PIERRE DE RONARD ® Meibigboni se couvre littéralement de bouquets de petites fleurs en pompons, rose nacré presque blanc marginé de rose plus soutenu, et ce plusieurs fois dans la saison. Splendid rose the colour orange light.Flowering is remontant. Rosiers en pots : Planter le rosier avec sa motte en l’arrosant abondamment à la plantation. What elegance and what perfume for this novelty ! Uses : Flowerbed, Rock garden, Balconies and terraces, Borders Width 30 cm. Growth very vigorous and ample foliage almost persistent. Essential tips for successful planting of your Roses : If you already had roses in the same place, change the earth to a depth of 60 cm. Flowers large and full burst on a dark green foliage and brilliant. Rosier robust dark green foliage glossy. Trouvez le magasin le plus proche de chez vous. Roses bare-root : do not leave the air if you do not plant immediately. Rosiers label ADR . Rosier Vesuvia ® 19,95 € En stock ! Attached on a pole, it covers itself with flowers from the bottom to the top of the branches. Height 2/4 m. Superb variety of flowers with the texture of silk, producing a fruity aroma. .On retrouve toutes les qualités d’'EMERA®', agrémentées d’une croissance en hauteur, rapide et vigoureuse (hauteur moyenne 2,5 m) et d’une végétation généreuse, en volume sur toute la hauteur du plant. Its foliage of a red pruiné becomes dark green and reminds us of the leather. Nouveauté 2015/2016, VESUVIA GRIMPANT vient compléter la gamme des DECOROSIERS grimpants. A light fragrance and discreet, and the flowers will bloom from June until freeze-up. The scent of fruit in the orchard, 70 petals, dense foliage and glossy; Inflorescence 4-to 5-flowered. A beautiful tribute to this great jazz guitarist, this rose named in July 2014 in Lochwiller, is a surprising variety : cherry red, deep and velvety on the button, it becomes two-tone yellow interior cream at the opening. De plus, il est naturellement résistant aux maladies. Natural resistance to diseases. Winter Protection : Buttez your rose bushes in November, with the earth in 15 cm of height of branches to protect them from the cold weather. Its flower buds are large and elegant. The rose Papa Meilland ® has been elected "a Pink Favorite around the World" in 1998.Flower turbines of 30 to 35 petals. Climbing rose that is exceptionally strong with a foliage very dark green "leather" and glossy Height 2.50 m /+, With its beautiful roses in pure white, double, in clusters, which are resistant to rain, this rose has great decorative qualities, it is beautiful trellised on a wall of dark bricks, for example. Ce rosier bien robuste supporte des températures jusqu'à -15°C. The plant is vigorous, erect, dressed in a beautiful dark green foliage bright. The opulence of the flowers (50/60 petals), the power of the fragrance, strong branches and a very large floridity. A Hybrid Wichurana buttons yellow blossoming flowers cream-white, well double, in small clusters. Résistants, ils trouveront parfaitement leur place dans de nombreux jardins. Flowering remontant. Red single flowers with yellow gold stamens 5 cm in diameter. The day before planting, soak completely in the water : the roots and branches. Place the rose bush and then fill in with soil, packing firmly with the foot to the ground all around the roots. Rosier couvre sol ROSIER décorosier 'Mareva' de la famille Rosier Rosacées (Rosiers Rosiers couvre sol) en vente dans notre pépinière. Rosier Vesuvia Grimpant® (Noa201130) Tous nos rosiers sont vendus sur porte greffe Rosa Laxa (rosiers adaptés à tous types de sol en particulier aux sols calcaires). Robuste, florifère, parfumée, avec une superbe fructification persistante. The flowers of 10cm in diameter, double, cup-shaped, joined together in clusters, sweet-scented stain of dark orange. Flowering in early summer, often with a beautiful second bloom. Foliage dark green, glossy. Small and bushy plant form, it settles within a solid or on the edge. Le Rosier grimpant 'Libertas', peu répandu dans le commerce horticole, se distingue par la santé de son feuillage, insensible aux maladies, mais aussi par la vivacité de sa floraison. Fleur rose clair semi double. Hauteur livrée 30 cm. Height 3m/+. The colours yellow edged rose bengal, a fruity rose tea, the contrast of the flowers on the dark green foliage is used to decorate a plant very healthy and to the vegetation regularly. Gold medal in Buenos Aires and AARS (All America Rose Selection), reward the most prestigious in the USA. 30 petals, diameter of flower 6 to 8 cm. A rose ideal for picking. Rosier couvre sol ROSIER décorosier 'Vésuvia' de la famille Rosier Rosacées (Rosiers Rosiers couvre sol) en vente dans notre pépinière. It is a rose plant quite rustic, as it pleases in all situations. CREATION BARTH 2014 ! Voir . Re-flowering of been amazing. Height: 2,50 m to 3 m. Fragrant, generous vegetation, it will dress the pergola with a stunning colour ivory, tangy green. This rose, vigorous the port flared is a good ground cover that we can also plant in the planter. Si vous cherchez des informations sur les rosiers paysager ou grimpant en général (plantation, culture, entretien), consultez nos fiches rosier paysager ou rosier grimpant.. Approximately 35 petals. Enfin une rose rouge insensible aux maladies qui comblera vos désirs, autant en plaine qu'\en altitude. Height 2-3 m. Tilt Symphony ® is a miniature rose bush to bushy habit, colours red, very prolific flowering. Rosier arbustif au port recouvrant. Diameter of flower : 13 cm Foliage glossy dark green and decorative. Good resistance to diseases. Rose STEM 90 cm WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE 2000 ®... Rose STEM 90 cm SWEET DELIGHT ® Adalegski. This rose is part of the rose classic, very decorative with its flowers semi-double, well opened, a beautiful blood-red velvet. Le rosier Trier offre ses grappes de petites fleurs (4 cm) presque simples, blanc crème, au parfum musqué, par intervalles tout l'été. Diameter of flower is 14 cm. You may unsubscribe at any moment. Floraison de … Inflorescence : flowers solitary. Cet article traite des caractéristiques spécifiques de la variété rosier Émera. Le rosier 'EMERA®', maintenant disponible sous la forme grimpante ! Acheter des rosiers grimpants en ligne pour des ambiances romantiques dans le jardin. The rose 'Pierre de Ronsard'® was awarded in 2006 the supreme award of the World Federation of Societies of Roses being elected " a Pink Favorite around the World." Very beautiful foliage. Inflorescence 2 to 5 flowers. Feuillage vert foncé brillant. (David Austin 2000). Beauty and elegance of flowers rose Bengal. Fleur rouge simple et … Essential tips for successful planting of your Roses : If you already had roses in the same place, change the earth to a depth of 60 cm. Rosa 'Vesuvia' grimpant est un rosier très florifère qui forme un véritable couvert rouge sombre. Depending on your region and the type of rose, from late February to early April, remember to resize your rose bushes. This variety lends itself to all lands and to all situations : it flowers even in the shade ! Un rosier grimpant très généreux et à toute épreuve. Les multiples utilisations possibles du DECOROSIER EMERA® permettaient déjà une totale liberté créative dans les jardins et espaces verts. Il dispose d'une très bonne résistance aux maladies. La Maison Kordes, en Allemagne près de Hambourg. Foliage broad, dull green. Ideal for the realization of vertical gardens. Decorative effect permanent. It blooms in abundance on a vegetation very strong. Superb variety with double flowers and buttons very stylish. Gold medal in Buenos Aires and AARS (All America Rose Selection), reward the most prestigious in the USA. Vigour and resistance to diseases that are very rare, this climbing flowers-style "English Rose" to the opening romantic is unique.. Great resistance of its foliage is very bright and blends nicely with the flower. Arrosage : Arroser abondamment (8 à 10 L par rosier) à la plantation. Découvrez les rosiers labellisés ADR (Anerkannte Deutsche Rose) proposés par Meilland Richardier. Foliage glossy dark green. This rose will delight you with its flowers (40 petals) that will open in a cup shape and perfect in the colours unique and rare : purple supported ! Plant of good vigour, covered with an ample foliage. Comme il s’agit d’un hybride, on retrouve toutes les qualités d’EMERA® noatraum, agrémentées d’une Put a layer of good soil (10 cm) of vegetable added, if needed 1/3 good potting soil to prevent the roots come in direct contact with the manure. The early flowering lasts without interruption until the first frost. Slightly fragrant. Resistance to weathering and high temperatures. Inflorescence in clusters; Excellent resistance to diseases. Height 2 m, Climbing rose English port flexible and strong. Erect, very dense, beautiful green foliage bright. Abundant flowering and up to frost. Mini par le nom, grand par le spectacle offert ! The bi-colour effect, white-lined red, is exceptional throughout the season. VESUVIA. Rosier grimpant (rustique) Chez Jardiland pour tous les types de sols (ordinaire, sec, riche en humus,…). On the other hand, it is robust and is flowering again in the course of the summer. Flowers semi-double fragrant pure white to 6 cm in diameter. 3 to 4 /m2, This beautiful shrub is covered with flowers, vermillion red, slightly streaked with yellow. the foliage, very dark, enhances one more time this colour is unique in the range of climbing. Very healthy. Il y a plus de 15 ans, les établissements Kordes en Allemagne près de Hambourg décident de ne plus traiter du tout les rosiers en sélection. Choose an airy and sunny (at least 4 hours of sunlight), avoid the proximity of trees or northern exposure. Ce buisson atteint 2 à 3m de hauteur pour une envergure allant jusqu'à 1.5m. Very beautiful red rose uniflore. Le Rosier 'Vésuvia' offre une longue floraison exceptionnelle et abondante composée de fleurs simples d'un rouge lumineux. This year again, we have added some selected innovations with always as much rigor among the best breeders of... Rosiers René Barth1 rue des Vignes67440 LOCHWILLERTél. Rosier grimpant à grandes fleurs. Lorsque le sol est ressuyé, remettre de la terre au-dessus du point de greffe pour éviter que le rosier ne dessèche par le vent et ne gèle en hiver. Probably the most beautiful climbing of the market with its foliage unique evolving from a red pruiné to a dark green, glossy, disease resistance, and its flower is very large (26 petals), a cardinal red dark velvety and above all her divine scent ! Dense foliage and brilliant. A beautiful rose in colours lilac purple, little common, including the beautiful flower cup-shaped, 35 to 40 petals, has an intense fragrance and a penetrating rosé verbena lemon. Résultats 1 - 9 sur 9 Foliage original, shiny green, persistent in mild winters. Exists in climbing, Climbing rose with large flowers double a colour special from the purple to the purple and silver scent intense. Approximately 35 petals. 37 petals around, light fragrance,diameter flower 9 cm. Rose tree bedding pure white with beautiful double flowers well resistant to rain. Very uplifting with a beautiful floridity. Arrosez le rosier arbuste immédiatement après la plantation, même en cas de pluie, pour achever de bien mettre les racines en contact avec la terre. 3 € donated to UNICEF by rosier bought. The rose 'Fellowship' has a bushy habit and erect, and foliage dense and dark green. Height 150/200 cm, Rosiers René Barth1 rue des Vignes67440 LOCHWILLERTél. Service client Allo Houston, ici ManoMano. Vesuvia grimpant ® 29,00 € En stock ! Ideal to hide a building unsightly or to dress up the trunks of trees. Vos grandes marques à prix Pros ! Many stems uniflores on the same branch. Et bien que le nom de cette plante de jardin indique qu’il s’agit d’une vraie … Nice brown foliage, then dark green. Les rosiers Kordes. VESUVIA Grimpant part à l’ascension des pergolas, murs, tonnelles, clôtures... En plus d’être vigoureux, on lui retrouve toutes les qualités de VESUVIA, agrémentées d’une croissance verticale rapide (hauteur moyenne 2,5mètres) et d’une végétation dense et généreuse. Scent is honey and lemon. Rosier grimpant. Flowers in cross section, of a golden yellow very pronounced, and intense fragrance. Very beautiful climbing rose pure yellow light that keeps the colour intact button until withering. A beautiful rose bush chosen by this great artist, seduced by its beautiful pink dainty of the jolly colours orange nasturtium, that adds a light fragrance. They are a wonderful way of creating height in the garden and, as most varieties are repeat-flowering, they are ideal for clothing structures with abundant blooms throughout the summer months. Very vigorous and rustic. Est un rosier grimpant à grandes fleurs rosier grimpant dans un massif il est compact et fleurit beaucoup 18 rosier parfumé générosa georges denjean quel. Rosier tige. Le rosier Emera a été le premier de la gamme des Décorosiers. The vegetation is elegant and erect, each branch bearing numerous flowers. This rose has all the charm of its flower-shape former with a tender and delicate colors cream pink. Foliage glossy and healthy. VERY PERFUMED. Copyright © Rosiers René Barth. Approximately 80 petals. In the deep cut at the beginning, the flower will blossom soon to form a cutting platform wedges. At the beginning of march, remove the hump. Flowers yellow primerose very clear, 100 flower petals and more. This rose will delight you with its flowers (40/50 petals of a delicate pink, which bloom in the cup of perfect shape. Obtained by the rosiériste Tantau in 1957, the rose 'Prima Ballerina' is a rose bush is vigorous and resistant to diseases. Height 3m/+. Rosier Opalia Grimpant ® Rosier Grimpant, Variété Protégée.Son port recouvrant, sa floraison exceptionnelle et son entretien minimum en font une référence pour massif ou bordure. This rose is vigorous, compact and balanced, with its high resistance to diseases, in fact, a rose bush actually without worries. Nos certifications Naturally resistant to the disease. Climbing roses have large flowers, held singly or in small groups. Dark pink in colour intense cherry, classic fragrance and greenery to the intense activity. Flowers 50/60 petals, diameter 7/8 cm. VESUVIA Grimpant part à l’ascension des pergolas, murs, tonnelles, clôtures… En plus d’être vigoureux, on lui retrouve toutes les qualités de VESUVIA agrémentées d’une croissance verticale rapide hauteur moyenne 2,5mètres) et d’une végétation dense et généreuse. Rose extraordinary from purple, violet to mauve, silver-scent-intense and very long. Home delivery in 24 to 72 hours (before 19:00), Log in to your account to receive discounts. Approximately 50 petals. Rose STEM 100-120 cm JUBILE DU PRINCE DE... Rose STEM 100-120 cm ICEBERG FEE DES NEIGES, Rose STEM 100 cm PULLMANN ORIENT EXPRESS ®Baipeace, Log in to your account to receive discounts. This climbing produces large blooms (35 petals), elegantly turbines, the colour pink and the reverse side of money. 'VESUVIA®', un DECOROSIER® facile et généreux en mode grimpant ! But he will dress as a grid of a fence or a pergola. Very beautiful foliage. Height 6/8 m. **Discovered by Rene BARTH**Unique ! : +33 (0)3 88 71 40 51contact [arobase] roseraiebarth.com. Pour les passionnés de roses simples, le DECOROSIERS VESUVIA® est un vrai joyau : il apporte une rusticité à toute épreuve et … Diameter of flower is 10 cm. Probably the most beautiful climbing of the market with its foliage unique evolving from a red pruiné to a dark green, glossy, disease resistance, and its flower is very large (26 petals), a cardinal red dark velvety and above all her divine scent ! This rose flowers grouped is characterized by an exceptional resistance to diseases and its spectacular colours vermillion red will brighten your garden until the end of the fall. Flowering remontant very generous of may until the frosts, very beautiful vegetation. De ses rosiers grimpants pierre de ronsard palais royal tabarly papi delbard nahema parure d’or rose céleste’[17 les hybrides de rosiers … Description rosier VESUVIA ® Noare. Formez un boudin tout autour du rosier arbuste avec la terre en excès afin de retenir l'eau d'arrosage, et de la forcer à s'infiltrer autour de l'arbre, au niveau des racines. Voir . Très résistant aux maladies, il convient parfaitement pour les haies que l'on désire voir souvent fleuries sans avoir à les entretenir ou en grand arbuste isolé, ou encore en grimpant. La volupté du rouge. Prix … Cet excellent rosier grimpant vous offrira tout l’été des fleurs semi-doubles parfumées blanc pur de …