Each PvP mount is supposed to be unique, because the only person who can use it is the one who got it. and weapon sets for Mark of Honor. Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. Notre aperçu d'une monture met aujourd'hui le projecteur sur la récompense de gladiateur de la saison 1 de Shadowlands, le .Gardez à l'esprit que la saison 1 de Shadowlands commencera le 10 novembre, deux semaines après le lancement de l'extension. It is a great defensive PvP talent and the decreased cooldown makes it come up and available before other classes' offensive cooldowns. Retrouvez ce qui vous attend dans l'habituelle vidéo publiée il y a quelques instants par Blizzard. World of Warcraft Shadowlands : un joueur passe niveau 60 en moins de trois heures 24 nov., 10:50 World of Warcraft Shadowlands : la mise à jour … Rejoignez une congrégation et prenez d’assaut une prison … Elemental has always had a better stake in crit than other classes due to our passive Elemental Fury making crits 225% effective in PVE and 175% in PVP, which is now 200% in PVP. Retrouvez la liste des récompenses ainsi que leur niveau d'objet dans notre récapitulatif. A noter que notre prend en compte principalement l’Arène mais l’aspect RBG est également considéré. Castle Nathria Guides by Ready Check Pull, Shadowlands Dungeon Guides by Ready Check Pull, Profession Leveling and Gold Making Guides, Covenants by Class, Spec and Overall Stats. Elite heroes of the Alliance and the Horde fight for glory in Arenas and Battlegrounds. In the World of Warcraft this system is very developed and with each new addition brings characters new abilities, killing tactics, survivability, honor and rank system in the world of Azeroth. In the World of Warcraft this system is very developed and with each new addition brings characters new abilities, killing tactics, survivability, honor and rank system in the world of Azeroth. This means that during week 1, the cap is The upper limit of this kind of upgrade is determined by your Renown For all of BFA the stat priority was fairly simple – versatility > haste > crit > mastery. Si vous l'avez ratée au cours de la saison, vous devez attendre la fin de la dernière saison PvP de Shadowlands pour pouvoir l'acheter auprès du Nécro-seigneur Sipe à Hurlevent en échange d'une selle vicieuse . Overwatch this is a new talent added in Shadowlands, allowing you to apply Spell Reflection to an ally with Intervene. Cloth Sinful Aspirant - Dressing Room Link Rejoignez une congrégation et prenez d’assaut une prison … bracket in Arenas or Rated Battlegrounds: Conduits appear at higher rank on the vendor automatically when Elite heroes of the Alliance and the Horde fight for glory in Arenas and Battlegrounds. ... Blizzard a dévoilé son calendrier pour les récompenses de la saison 3 de PVP de BFA. Horde players must talk to Xander Silberman While the length of time between seasons varies, there is a PvP season active most of the year. Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. Leveling via PvP in Shadowlands Involving Heirloom XP Nerf Question As it stands currently players can respectably level in PvP via Battlegrounds, though only made possible with the use of 2 heirloom trinkets, each of which offer a 50% bonus … That comes from Wowhead, which stumbled across a … Les addons et weakauras (wa) sont extrêmement importants sur WoW d’autant plus en PvP (surtout en arène) car ils vous permettent de mieux coordonner vos CD avec vos équipiers tout en suivant facilement les CD de l’équipe adverse. Don't Forget to Use Mount Equipment for Leveling in Shadowlands, Artificer Xy'Mox Uses Player's Hearthstone During Mind Control, One of the First Players Reaches Exalted with All 4 Shadowlands Factions, The Climbers: Top of the Maw and Castle Nathria, Head/Chest/Legs/One-Hand Weapons cost 875, Head, Chest, Leg Slots and One-Hand Weapons, Rank 2 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (164) and costs 500, Rank 3 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (171) and costs 625, Rank 4 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (177) and costs 1,000, Rank 5 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (183) and costs 1,250, Rank 6 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (190) and costs 1,375, Rank 7 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (197) and costs 1,500, Rank 2 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (164) and costs 300, Rank 3 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (171) and costs 375, Rank 4 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (177) and costs 600, Rank 5 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (183) and costs 750, Rank 6 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (190) and costs 825, Rank 7 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (197) and costs 900, Rank 2 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (164) and costs 400, Rank 3 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (171) and costs 500, Rank 4 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (177) and costs 800, Rank 5 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (183) and costs 1,000, Rank 6 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (190) and costs 1,100, Rank 7 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (197) and costs 1,200, Rank 2 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (164) and costs 1,000, Rank 3 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (171) and costs 1,250, Rank 4 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (177) and costs 2,000, Rank 5 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (183) and costs 2.500, Rank 6 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (190) and costs 2,750, Rank 7 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (197) and costs 3,000, Rank 2 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (164) and costs 250, Rank 3 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (171) and costs 300, Rank 4 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (177) and costs 500, Rank 5 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (183) and costs 625, Rank 6 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (190) and costs 700, Rank 7 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (197) and costs 750, Head/Chest/Legs/One-Hand Weapons cost 2,000. World of Warcraft Shadowlands : un joueur passe niveau 60 en moins de trois heures 24 nov., 10:50 World of Warcraft Shadowlands : la mise à jour … We currently do not know the exact upgrade costs, and this section will be No warforge or titanforge in patch 8.3 which diminishes the “assigned” potential value of gear earned via PVP. on the item slot. and become Gladiator in Shadowlands PvP Season 1, you will receive Season 1 of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is underway, which means players are once again looking at PvP tiers to see which team compositions are best. Important : Le pack complet de Weak Auras pour ce premier raid de Shadowlands est accessible en suivant ce lien! Château Nathria est le premier raid de World of Warcraft: Shadowlands.Il s'agit d'un raid composé de 10 boss, culminant avec la rencontre face à l'antagoniste principal de Revendreth: Sire Denathrius.Cette instance de grande envergure se situe, évidemment, en Revendreth.. C'est le 9 décembre prochain que débutera la saison 1 de MM+ et de PvP sur World of Warcraft: Shadowlands comme l'annonce Blizzard sur son site officiel. your rating increases. Le boost Maître mythique : Saison 1 Shadowlands permet donc de réaliser les 8 donjons de WoW SL afin d’obtenir la monture la monture Marchemort touché par le vice.Notre équipe s’occupe de fournir les clés de niveau +15. En el nuevo complemento de WoW, Shadowlands, en realidad hay un distribuidor, como de costumbre, que te vende cosas valiosas a cambio de honor y otros logros de PvP. Le raid WoW Shadowlands a une date de sortie fixée pour cette semaine, avec le calendrier complet de Castle Nathria confirmé pour la saison 1 Shadowlands Saison 1 PvP Sinful Gladiator- und Aspirantenrüstung in der Anprobe geposted 21.09.2020 um 03:36 von perculia Die Sinful Gladiator- und Aspirantensets sind jetzt in unserer Shadowlands Anprobe verfügbar. The Shadowlands Launch Experience – WoW Machinima 5 hours ago 42 Comments; FAVORITE SPEC – Protection Paladin PvP – WoW Shadowlands 9.0.2 5 hours ago 3 Comments; Why Did The LIGHT Invade Shadowlands? Marshal Gabriel in Boralus (56, 26). A noter que notre prend en compte principalement l’Arène mais l’aspect RBG est également considéré. Château Nathria est le premier raid de World of Warcraft: Shadowlands.Il s'agit d'un raid composé de 10 boss, culminant avec la rencontre face à l'antagoniste principal de Revendreth: Sire Denathrius.Cette instance de grande envergure se situe, évidemment, en Revendreth.. World of Warcraft: Shadowlands marks the eighth major expansion pack for the storied MMO. Buy WoW Shadowlands raid boosts, Tower of Torghast or any of the mythic+ boosts with any keys on EU and US and both horde and alliance. In this guide, All I see is people complaining about DH's getting too big of a nerf (mostly DH's themselves ofc) I havent played wow for a few years (around mid wod), and I'm going back to wow as we speak, to lvl up and prepare for shadowlands. Equipement-shadowlands-pvp. Buy WoW Shadowlands raid boosts, Tower of Torghast or any of the mythic+ boosts with any keys on EU and US and both horde and alliance. Retrouvez ce qui vous attend dans l'habituelle vidéo publiée il y a quelques instants par Blizzard. Le PvP est une partie non négligeable de l’expérience de jeu sur World of Warcraft et c’est pourquoi nous vous avons préparé notre liste des meilleures classes et spécialisation PvP pour Shadowlands. Guides World of Warcraft: Shadowlands If you’re craving some one-on-one action in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, you’ll need a great class selection to … Les visuels des sets d'armures PvP de la Saison 1 de World of Warcraft: Shadowlands ont été découverts et nous vous proposons de les découvrir ci-dessous. The cost also depends on the armor slot of the upgraded item. WoW Shadowlands PVE guide – How to Complete The Final Pieces Quest 3 weeks ago; Get 220+ iLvl BiS WoW PvP Gear I Shadowlands 9.0 Gearing Guide 3 weeks ago; The BEST way to Farm The Maw | 9 Tips for Speed and Efficiency to MAXIMIZE Reputation Gains! Gladiator mount that awaits you in Shadowlands PvP Season 1. JcJ. Le PvP est une partie non négligeable de l’expérience de jeu sur World of Warcraft et c’est pourquoi nous vous avons préparé notre liste des meilleures classes et spécialisation PvP pour Shadowlands. 550. Starts at Rank 1 (Item Level 158) and the item cost depends on the Rated 5.00 out of 5 $ 35.00 – $ 245.00. 8.3 PVP changes will indicate what they are doing. Explorez les royaumes de l’au-delà dans la nouvelle extension de World of Warcraft, Shadowlands. Die erste PvP-Saison von Shadowlands bietet wieder allerlei neue Belohnungen! The cap increases by 550 each week. Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. The upper limit upgrade is determined by your current highest rating account-wide in the pre-patch. PvP vendors have returned for Shadowlands and you can find The top 1000 players in your region are immortalized here. You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. Shadowlands reworked stats a fair amount, giving more value to crit in PVP. DH Havoc PVP in Shadowlands? The Shadowlands Launch Experience – WoW Machinima 5 hours ago 42 Comments; FAVORITE SPEC – Protection Paladin PvP – WoW Shadowlands 9.0.2 5 hours ago 3 Comments; Why Did The LIGHT Invade Shadowlands? This PvP talent is very strong when combined with Inspiring Presence and Phial of Serenity. Si vous l'avez ratée au cours de la saison, vous devez attendre la fin de la dernière saison PvP de Shadowlands pour pouvoir l'acheter auprès du Nécro-seigneur Sipe à Hurlevent en échange d'une selle vicieuse . La Saison 1 de Shadowlands débutera cette semaine. SHADOWLANDS PVP General Concepts And History: PvP is deciphered as a player against a player and is a very popular direction in various MMORG games. PVP PVP Arena Tiers boost. located at the Mugambala (52, 58) in Zuldazar. On vous présente donc notre sélection des meilleurs addons et WA pour jouer efficacement en PvP et Arène sur Shadowlands. Rated 5.00 out of 5 $ 51.45 – $ 282.45. "This mount shows a proclivity for snacking upon the souls cast out of Revendreth." Guides World of Warcraft: Shadowlands If you’re craving some one-on-one action in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, you’ll need a great class selection to … 3 weeks ago; How to get the Wildseed Cradle Mount Guide | World of Warcraft Shadowlands 3 weeks ago upgraded all the way to Rank 7 (Item Level 229) with Honor. The first two weeks of the Shadowlands expansion before Castle Nathria, M+, and Rated PvP opens, the Honor gear will be the best avenue to fill out missing slots in your gear. Les addons et weakauras (wa) sont extrêmement importants sur WoW d’autant plus en PvP (surtout en arène) car ils vous permettent de mieux coordonner vos CD avec vos équipiers tout en suivant facilement les CD de l’équipe adverse. It looks like PvP World Quests are making their return in World of Warcraft‘s Shadowlands expansion. Notre aperçu d'une monture met aujourd'hui le projecteur sur la récompense de gladiateur de la saison 1 de Shadowlands, le .Gardez à l'esprit que la saison 1 de Shadowlands commencera le 10 novembre, deux semaines après le lancement de l'extension. Important : Le pack complet de Weak Auras pour ce premier raid de Shadowlands est accessible en suivant ce lien! Each season has its own name (i.e. PvP gear starts at Rank 1 (Item Level 158) and can be upgraded "You unlock the ability to upgrade your gear to higher item levels as you increase your Renown to level 7 and 10.". Question. In unserem Guide erfahrt ihr mehr über die PvP-Wertungsstufen, Rüstungssets, Mounts und mehr in der ersten PvP-Saison von Shadowlands. Butin/Loot et Grande chambre-forte No warforge or titanforge in patch 8.3 which diminishes the “assigned” potential value of gear earned via PVP. them in Oribos, at 36, 57. Cette page reprend toutes les infos sur la Saison 1 du mode Mythique+ de WoW Shadowlands, avec la liste des nouveaux affixes, les changements apportés aux affixes existants et les hauts faits et récompenses accessibles aux joueurs dans les donjons de pierre Mythique (MM+).. La Saison 1 de Shadowlands débute le 9 décembre 2020. A season usually starts one week after the release of a major patch and ends when a new major patch is released. With hotfixes and updates, these lists can change often; however, there are currently some team comps in WoW: Shadowlands that appear to be better than others for PvP Arena games.. Strategy is a huge part of any PvP game, and that's … Shadowlands PvP Vendor Location Oribos WoW. PvP gear starts at Rank 1 (Item Level 158) and can be upgraded up to Rank 7 (Item Level 197) with Honor. up to Rank 7 (Item Level 197) with Honor. La Saison 1 de Shadowlands débutera cette semaine. So, what are you waiting for? That comes from Wowhead, which stumbled across a … Each season has its own name (i.e. A season usually starts one week after the release of a major patch and ends when a new major patch is released. Da dieses Reittier verschiedene Farben hat, ist es möglich, dass wir die anderen Farben in späteren PvP-Saison sehen. ... PVP PVP Arena Coaching 2v2 / 3v3. season 13 is called Tyrannical) and rewards. ... PVP PVP Arena Coaching 2v2 / 3v3. You can buy Vicious Saddle in order to shift it for the mount you liked. You can buy Vicious Saddle in order to shift it for the mount you liked. slot. There is a huge galaxy of various mounts in the World of Warcraft, and you can buy any of them with the help of our team. WoW: Shadowlands steht in den Startlöchern - und damit auch die nächste PvP-Saison in Azeroth. Shadowlands reworked stats a fair amount, giving more value to crit in PVP. Guide: Erste Shadowlands PvP-Saison Die PvP-Ausrüstung Mit Shadowlands kehren die, von vielen Spielern vermissten, PvP-Händler zurück und um zu verhindern, dass PvE-Spieler sich über PvP-Händler Ausrüstung für Dungeons sowie Raids kaufen, gibt es auch wieder PvP-spezifische Ausrüstung. Elemental has always had a better stake in crit than other classes due to our passive Elemental Fury making crits 225% effective in PVE and 175% in PVP, which is now 200% in PVP. Les visuels des sets d'armures PvP de la Saison 1 de World of Warcraft: Shadowlands ont été découverts et nous vous proposons de les découvrir ci-dessous. Shadowlands Saison 1 PvP Sinful Gladiator- und Aspirantenrüstung in der Anprobe geposted 21.09.2020 um 03:36 von perculia Die Sinful Gladiator- und Aspirantensets sind jetzt in unserer Shadowlands Anprobe verfügbar. WoW Shadowlands PVE guide – How to Complete The Final Pieces Quest 3 weeks ago; Get 220+ iLvl BiS WoW PvP Gear I Shadowlands 9.0 Gearing Guide 3 weeks ago; The BEST way to Farm The Maw | 9 Tips for Speed and Efficiency to MAXIMIZE Reputation Gains! The Aspirant set can be purchased with Honor and the Gladiator set can be purchased with Conquest.Players can also upgrade PvP gear and purchase trinkets with PvP set bonuses. Il s'agit d'une récompense de la saison 1 de PvP de Shadowlands (champs de bataille et arènes cotés). Découvrez la vidéo World of Warcraft Shadowlands présente sa Saison 1 sur jeuxvideo.com. Une date qui correspond également à l'ouverture du raid Château Nathria en mode normal et héroïque. PvP Mounts. You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! It is a great defensive PvP talent and the decreased cooldown makes it come up and available before other classes' offensive cooldowns. PvP seasons or arena seasons are periods in which rated PvP combat may occur. Discussion sur le JcJ. Maybe they bump up the item level slightly higher or even allow corrupted gear to be earned via PVP. Die erste PvP-Saison von Shadowlands bietet wieder allerlei neue Belohnungen! Rated 5.00 out of 5 $ 51.45 – $ 282.45. 1. 8.3 PVP changes will indicate what they are doing. What is the Nicest Thing a Stranger Has Done for You? Découvrez la vidéo World of Warcraft Shadowlands présente sa Saison 1 sur jeuxvideo.com. "This mount shows a proclivity for snacking upon the souls cast out of Revendreth." Do not forget that you can now purchase Battle for Azeroth PvP set appearances Overwatch this is a new talent added in Shadowlands, allowing you to apply Spell Reflection to an ally with Intervene. Shadowlands PvP Season 1 starts December 8, 2020. season 13 is called Tyrannical) and rewards. Au programme, l'ouverture du Château Nathria, les donjons Mythique+ et le PvP. The upper limit of this kind of upgrade is determined by your Renown level, and players can hold a maximum of 15,000 Honor . Each PvP mount is supposed to be unique, because the only person who can use it is the one who got it. Download the client and get started. SHADOWLANDS PVP General Concepts And History: PvP is deciphered as a player against a player and is a very popular direction in various MMORG games. Conquest gear starts at Rank 1 (Item Level 190) and can be WoW Shadowlands can now truly be put to the test, as the new weekly reset has introduced Castle Nathria, Mythic+ Dungeons, and PVP Season 1! Maybe they bump up the item level slightly higher or even allow corrupted gear to be earned via PVP. PVP Honor Level Farm. The amount of Honor required to upgrade PvP items increases with ranks. PVP Honor Level Farm. Shit? Season 1 of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is underway, which means players are once again looking at PvP tiers to see which team compositions are best. Au programme, l'ouverture du Château Nathria, les donjons Mythique+ et le PvP. PVP PVP Arena Tiers boost. The Sinful Gladiator and Aspirant armor sets are now available in our Shadowlands Dressing Room. Unranked Conquest gear starts at Item Level 190 and item costs depend Shadowlands heralds the return of PvP vendors. level, and players can hold a maximum of 15,000 Honor. PvP seasons or arena seasons are periods in which rated PvP combat may occur. Il s'agit d'une récompense de la saison 1 de PvP de Shadowlands (champs de bataille et arènes cotés). Where is World of Warcraft Shadowlands PvP Vendor Location in Oribos. Rated 5.00 out of 5 $ 35.00 – $ 245.00. This PvP talent is very strong when combined with Inspiring Presence and Phial of Serenity. In unserem Guide erfahrt ihr mehr über die PvP-Wertungsstufen, Rüstungssets, Mounts und mehr in der ersten PvP-Saison von Shadowlands. It looks like PvP World Quests are making their return in World of Warcraft‘s Shadowlands expansion. Went to take him into arena (skirmishes) and ended up giving probably 8 teams free wins in ranked due to my dumb a$$. Probably gonna receive a lot of hate because 0 PvP experience but alas… Recently got a friend into WoW he loved DH so got him shadowlands as a gift. Lots of question marks! The top 1000 players in your region are immortalized here. soon updated with more information as they become available. Si vous l'obtenez, vous débloquez également son équivalent côté Horde . There is a huge galaxy of various mounts in the World of Warcraft, and you can buy any of them with the help of our team. Und da wir grade bei den News zu PvP-Reittieren sind: vergesst nicht, dass alle vergangenen Gladiatorreittiere mit dem Shadowlands Pre-Patch accountweit werden. Es posible obtener un equipo sólido a través del distribuidor de PvP, por lo que los fanáticos de PvP pueden ganar cosas buenas aquí. Honor Gear … There is a cap on how much Conquest can be earned during a season. If you complete the Sinful Gladiator: Shadowlands Season 1 achievement For all of BFA the stat priority was fairly simple – versatility > haste > crit > mastery. On vous présente donc notre sélection des meilleurs addons et WA pour jouer efficacement en PvP et Arène sur Shadowlands. Guide: Erste Shadowlands PvP-Saison Die PvP-Ausrüstung Mit Shadowlands kehren die, von vielen Spielern vermissten, PvP-Händler zurück und um zu verhindern, dass PvE-Spieler sich über PvP-Händler Ausrüstung für Dungeons sowie Raids kaufen, gibt es auch wieder PvP-spezifische Ausrüstung. Si vous l'obtenez, vous débloquez également son équivalent côté Horde . PvP Mounts. This video shows Oribos PvP Vendor Location WoW Shadowlands.Thanks for watching, like and subscribe for more videos. we detail the items they sell, where to find them in Oribos, how to Alliance players must seek out Lots of question marks! Talk to Aggressor Zo'dash and drag an item to the window to upgrade it. upgrade your PvP gear, how loot from the Great Vault works, and the There, you will see stats of the next rank and the upgrade cost. WoW Shadowlands can now truly be put to the test, as the new weekly reset has introduced Castle Nathria, Mythic+ Dungeons, and PVP Season 1! WoW: Shadowlands steht in den Startlöchern - und damit auch die nächste PvP-Saison in Azeroth. Explorez les royaumes de l’au-delà dans la nouvelle extension de World of Warcraft, Shadowlands. the Sinful Gladiator's Soul Eater mount. During week 2, the cap is 1,100. Gladiator mounts have become While the length of time between seasons varies, there is a PvP season active most of the year. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. Profitez de notre service exclusif en jeu pour terminer tous les donjons mythiques avec un niveau de clé +15 sur WoW Shadowlands. With hotfixes and updates, these lists can change often; however, there are currently some team comps in WoW: Shadowlands that appear to be better than others for PvP Arena games.. Strategy is a huge part of any PvP game, and that's … 3 weeks ago; How to get the Wildseed Cradle Mount Guide | World of Warcraft Shadowlands 3 weeks ago The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website! Rank 3-4: 171-177ilvl = 600 Honor(Requires Renown 7), Rank 4-5: 177-184ilvl = 750 Honor(Requires Renown 7), Rank 5-6: 184-190ilvl = 825 Honor(Requires Renown 22), Rank 6-7: 190-197ilvl = 900 Honor(Requires Renown 22), Rank 3-4: 171-177ilvl = 2000 Honor(Requires Renown 7), Rank 4-5: 177-184ilvl = 2500 Honor(Requires Renown 7), Rank 5-6: 184-190ilvl = 2750 Honor(Requires Renown 22), Rank 6-7: 190-197ilvl = 3000 Honor(Requires Renown 22), Rank 3-4: 171-177ilvl = 1500 Honor(Requires Renown 7), Rank 4-5: 177-184ilvl = 1875 Honor(Requires Renown 7), Rank 5-6: 184-190ilvl = 2075 Honor(Requires Renown 22), Rank 6-7: 190-197ilvl = 2250 Honor(Requires Renown 22), Rank 3-4: 171-177ilvl = 500 Honor(Requires Renown 7), Rank 4-5: 177-184ilvl = 625 Honor(Requires Renown 7), Rank 5-6: 184-190ilvl = 700 Honor(Requires Renown 22), Rank 6-7: 190-197ilvl = 750 Honor(Requires Renown 22), Rank 3-4: 171-177ilvl = 1000 Honor(Requires Renown 7), Rank 4-5: 177-184ilvl = 1250 Honor(Requires Renown 7), Rank 5-6: 184-190ilvl = 1375 Honor(Requires Renown 22), Rank 6-7: 190-197ilvl = 1500 Honor(Requires Renown 22), Rank 3-4: 171-177ilvl = 800 Honor(Requires Renown 7), Rank 4-5: 177-184ilvl = 1000 Honor(Requires Renown 7), Rank 5-6: 184-190ilvl = 1100 Honor(Requires Renown 22), Rank 6-7: 190-197ilvl = 1200 Honor(Requires Renown 22), Gladiator Trinkets, Wrists, Cloaks, Rings, Necks: 525 Conquest, Damage Trinkets, Boots, Gloves, Shoulders, Belt: 700 Conquest.