[115] In 1531, a royal expedition led by Martim Afonso de Sousa and his brother Pero Lopes went to patrol the whole Brazilian coast, banish the French, and create some of the first colonial towns – among them São Vicente, in 1532. [189][190], The project to connect the two colonies, the Pink Map, was the main objective of Portuguese policy in the 1880s. Under the ideology of Pluricontinentalism, the regime renamed its colonies "overseas provinces" while retaining the system of forced labour, from which only a small indigenous élite was normally exempt. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 19 décembre 2020 à 20:43. [196] In 1917, one of the actions taken by Portugal was to assist Britain in its timber industry, imperative to the war effort. This commercial network and the colonial trade had a substantial positive impact on Portuguese economic growth (1500–1800), when it accounted for about a fifth of Portugal's per-capita income. Although he failed to spike the gold revenue, two short-term companies he established for the plantation economy drove a significant increase in production of cotton, rice, cacao, tobacco, sugar. The Goa Inquisition (Bombay, 1961). The captaincies created there functioned under a centralized administration in Salvador, which reported directly to the Crown in Lisbon. [77] The Chinese sent a squadron of junks against Portuguese caravels that succeeded in driving the Portuguese away and reclaiming Tamao. In 1515, Afonso de Albuquerque conquered the Huwala state of Hormuz at the head of the Persian Gulf, establishing it as a vassal state. [215], Today, Portuguese is one of the world's major languages, ranked sixth overall with approximately 240 million speakers around the globe. Pour ce qui est de sa fin, la date varie selon les critères utilisés : 1975 qui voit la majeure partie des colonies accéder à l'indépendance ou 1999 qui voit la fin de l'administration portugaise de Macao, dernier territoire d'outre-mer officiellement sous souveraineté portugaise. The economic development as a whole was inspired by elements of the Enlightenment in mainland Europe. [13], The main Portuguese goal was trade, not colonization or conquest. [10], Although Ceuta proved to be a disappointment for the Portuguese, the decision was taken to hold it while exploring along the Atlantic African coast. Grâce à cette nouvelle technologie, les marins progressent vers les latitudes sud à une moyenne d'un degré par année. Following the granting of independence to India by Britain in 1947, and the decision by France to allow its enclaves in India to be incorporated into the newly independent nation, pressure was placed on Portugal to do the same. En 1807, le roi Jean VI décide de quitter sa capitale devant l'invasion des armées napoléoniennes pour s'établir à Rio. Son indépendance continua néanmoins à être menacée par le royaume de Castille voisin jusqu'à la bataille d'Aljubarrota, en 1385, et la signature du traité qui s'ensuivit. [33], The completion of these negotiations with Spain is one of several reasons proposed by historians for why it took nine years for the Portuguese to follow up on Dias's voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, though it has also been speculated that other voyages were in fact taking place in secret during this time. Il est considéré comme l'un des dix plus grands empires de l'humanité depuis l'enregistrement des civilisations, et le premier pluricontinental . [50], Vasco da Gama's departure to India in 1497, Portuguese discoveries and explorations: first arrival places and dates; main Portuguese spice trade routes (blue). 1415-1999. Exploration de la côte occidentale de l'Afrique. Orgueil du régime d'Antonio de Obviera Salazar. [45] Madagascar was partly explored by Cunha, and Mauritius was discovered by Cunha whilst possibly being accompanied by Albuquerque. The Sultan Bahadur Shah of Gujarat was forced to sign the Treaty of Bassein with the Portuguese, establishing an alliance to regain the country, giving in exchange Daman, Diu, Mumbai and Bassein. [168], Africans and Afro-Brazilians became the largest group of people in Minas Gerais. ), leaving settlers to come up with new revenue sources. Le Saint-Empire romain germanique est un territoire issu du partage de l'empire carolingien. Le terme « Empire colonial portugais » disparaît dans le même temps. L'Inde annexe quant à elle Goa, Daman et Diu et des îles Anjidiv lors de l'opération Vijay en décembre 1961. The two failed sieges of 1538 and 1546 put an end to Ottoman ambitions, confirming the Portuguese hegemony in the region,[84][85] as well as gaining superiority over the Mughals. [145] The primary threat came from the Dutch, who had been engaged in a struggle for independence against Spain since 1568. Salazar refused to recognize the transfer of sovereignty, believing the territories to be merely occupied. Empire colonial portugais (suite) Goa, point de convergence des courants commerciaux locaux, est le centre d’un vaste ensemble allant de l’Europe aux Moluques et même au-delà jusqu’au Japon. [26] During his 1485–86 expedition, Cão continued to Cape Cross, in present-day Namibia, near the Tropic of Capricorn. Nevertheless, the Portuguese language remains co-official with Cantonese Chinese in Macau. The empire began in the 15th century, and from the early 16th century it stretched across the globe, with bases in North and South America, Africa, and various regions of Asia and Oceania.[1][2][3]. Inspired by the French Revolution, leaders proposed a society without slavery, food prices would be lowered, and trade restriction abolished. Le navigateur portugais Vasco de Gama effectua 3 voyages en Inde par la mer entre 1497 et 1524. Les expéditions de Jacques Cartier, soutenues par le roi François They established a trading center at Tangasseri, Quilon (Coulão, Kollam) city in (1503) in 1502, which became the centre of trade in pepper,[41] and after founding manufactories at Cochin (Cochim, Kochi) and Cannanore (Canonor, Kannur), built a factory at Quilon in 1503. En 1641, les Néerlandais de la VOC prennent Malacca et lancent une série d'attaques sur Macao. The British Ultimatum of 1890 was imposed upon King Carlos I of Portugal and the Pink Map came to an end. In spite of the high death rate associated with the slaves involved in the mining industry, the owners that allowed slaves that extracted above the minimum amount of gold to keep the excesses, which in turn led to the possibility of manumission. In 1916, there was only one attack on the Portuguese territory, in Madeira. En 1483, Diogo Cao atteint l'embouchure du Congo. [124] The establishment of the sugar cane industry demanded intensive labor that would be met with Native American and, later, African slaves. The Jesuits, who protected the natives against slavery, were brutally suppressed by the Marquis of Pombal, which led to the dissolution of the order in the region by 1759. Au lendemain de la Seconde guerre mondiale, les colonies sont encore très peu développées : à Sao Tomé-et-Principe aucun lycée n'a encore été ouvert, tandis qu'en Angola et au Mozambique les seules institutions ouvertes en annexes à l'université de Coimbra sont destinées aux fils de colons. [149], In 1592, during the war with Spain, an English fleet captured a large Portuguese carrack off the Azores, the Madre de Deus, which was loaded with 900 tons of merchandise from India and China estimated at half a million pounds (nearly half the size of English Treasury at the time). In the 1730s contact with Spanish outposts occurred more frequently, and the Spanish threatened to launch a military expedition in order to remove them. Aujourd'hui, les pays de cet ancien empire font partie de la Communauté des pays de langue portugaise. [199], Portuguese territories in Africa eventually included the modern nations of Cape Verde, São Tomé and Príncipe, Guinea-Bissau, Angola, and Mozambique. The ensuing Cold War also created instabilities among Portuguese overseas populations, as the United States and Soviet Union vied to increase their spheres of influence. Empire colonial portugais Histoire du Portugal Liste des souverains wisigoths Liste des rois de Portugal Lusitanie Comté de Portugal Dynastie de Bourgogne Crise portugaise de 1383-1385 Dynastie d'Aviz Dynastie de Bragance Empire colonial portugais.. Auteur Daniel Feliciano. Jorge de Meneses discovered New Guinea in 1526, naming it the "Island of the Papua". [126][127], Tomé de Sousa built the capital of Brazil, Salvador, at the Bay of All Saints in 1549. [146], Spanish imperial trade networks now were opened to Portuguese merchants, which was particularly lucrative for Portuguese slave traders who could now sell slaves in Spanish America at a higher price than could be fetched in Brazil. However, the Inconfidência Mineira failed, its leaders were arrested, and of the participants in the insurrections, the one of lowest social position, Tiradentes, was hanged. [173] This sharply checked Portuguese colonial ambitions in the late 18th century.[174]. A resolution was reached with the Treaty of Zaragoza in 1529, attributing the Moluccas to Portugal and the Philippines to Spain. Au début du XVIe siècle, le Portugal avait des flottes et des armées sur 5 continents.[1]. Pressure from natives and competing European fisheries prevented a permanent establishment and was abandoned five years later. La politique d'Alphonse V n'obéissait pas à un plan rigoureux de recherche d'une région spécifique, mais il est révélateur d'une volonté de progression systématique et cherchait à empêcher que les puissances rivales interviennent dans les régions découvertes. Search. Unlike the Spanish colonies of South America, Brazil's independence was achieved without significant bloodshed. [6] There were several probable motives for their first attack, on the Marinid Sultanate (in present-day Morocco). [200], In the wake of World War II, decolonization movements began to gain momentum in the empires of the European powers. Through the beginning of 1918, Portugal continued to fight along the Allied front against Germany, including participation in the infamous Battle of La Lys. 20–21, Hong Kong & Macau By Jules Brown Rough Guides, 2002. p. 195, Juan Cole, Sacred Space and Holy War, IB Tauris, 2007 p. 37. A strong gate, called the A Famosa, was erected to defend the city and remains. Elle se révèle impossible à utiliser comme base pour une exploration de l'intérieur des terres, tandis que les caravanes ne tardent pas à dévier leur route. [116] Sousa returned to Lisbon a year later to become governor of India and never returned to Brazil. [142], The Tordesillas boundary between Spanish and Portuguese control in South America was then increasingly ignored by the Portuguese, who pressed beyond it into the heart of Brazil,[140] allowing them to expand the territory to the west. The Portuguese Empire originated at the beginning of the Age of Discovery, and the power and influence of the Kingdom of Portugal would eventually expand across the globe. La deuxième est consolidée par la domination de l'océan et le monopole de l'état en même que se consolidait l'appareil administratif outremer (1460-1468). [72][73] In 1514, Afonso de Albuquerque, the Viceroy of the Estado da India, dispatched Italian Rafael Perestrello to sail to China in order to pioneer European trade relations with the nation. In 1954, a local uprising resulted in the overthrow of the Portuguese authorities in the Indian enclave of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. [38] Cabral recommended to the Portuguese King that the land be settled, and two follow up voyages were sent in 1501 and 1503. [113] Expeditions sponsored by Francis I along the North American coast directly violated of the Treaty of Tordesilhas. C'est aussi le début d'investissements proto-capitalistes de montants très élevés pour l'époque dans des opérations maritimes souvent risquées. Impoverished social conditions and a high cost of living were among reasons of the revolt. Together with Portugal, they are now members of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries, which when combined total 10,742,000 km2, or 7.2% of the Earth's landmass (148 939 063 km2). Plusieurs anciennes colonies portugaises sont aujourd'hui membre de la Communauté des pays de langue portugaise (CPLP), une organisation intergouvernementale ayant pour but l'amitié et la coopération entre les nations lusophones. 84–85, From 1808 to 1821, the capital was the city of, Iberian Peninsula and South America (1762–63), Banda Oriental and Rio Grande do Sul (1762–63), forts and plantations along the African coastline, European enclaves in North Africa before 1830, Portuguese discovery of the sea route to India, The Recovery of São Salvador da Bahia de Todos os Santos, Transfer of the Portuguese Court to Brazil, United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves, the agreement between the United Kingdom and China, Community of Portuguese Language Countries, 'Portugal's Discovery in China' on Display, "When Portugal Ruled the Seas | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine", The Presence of the "Portugals" in Macau and Japan in Richard Hakluyt's, "The great escape? Pendant le 15ème siècle, l’Empire portugais a jeté ses bases à travers le monde comme le premier empire colonial moderne du monde, et ce qui serait le plus long. [125] Deeming the capitanias system ineffective, João III decided to centralize the government of the colony in order to "give help and assistance" to grantees. By 1739, at the apex of the mining boom, the population of Minas Gerais was somewhere between 200,000 and 250,000. [129] The Jesuits would have an essential role in the colonization of Brazil, including São Vicente, and São Paulo, the latter which Nóbrega co-founded. The land was found to be abundant in pau-brasil, or brazilwood, from which it later inherited its name, but the failure to find gold or silver meant that for the time being Portuguese efforts were concentrated on India. [162], In 1661 the Portuguese offered Bombay and Tangier to England as part of a dowry, and over the next hundred years the English gradually became the dominant trader in India, gradually excluding the trade of other powers. Les Portugais étendent leur domination jusqu'aux Moluques, îles riches en épices. [155][156], Meanwhile, in the Arabian Peninsula, the Portuguese also lost control of Ormuz by a joint alliance of the Safavids and the English in 1622, and Oman under the Al-Ya'arubs would capture Muscat in 1650. 16th century Portuguese illustration from the Códice Casanatense, depicting a Portuguese nobleman with his retinue in India, By the end of 1509, Albuquerque became viceroy of the Portuguese India. Voir plus » Empire du Brésil L’empire du Brésil (en Império do Brasil) ou, abusivement, l’Empire brésilien est une entité politique qui occupe, au, sensiblement les territoires qui constituent le Brésil actuel. L'empire colonial portugaisdésigne les territoires d'outre-mer occupés et administrés par le Portugalentre le début du XVe siècle et le XXe siècle. In 1505 King Manuel I of Portugal appointed Francisco de Almeida first Viceroy of Portuguese India, establishing the Portuguese government in the east. Le traité de Tordesillas (1494) règle le partage des terres découvertes entre le Portugal et l'Espagne : un méridien positionné 370 lieues à l'ouest des îles du Cap-Vert est tracé, et les terres situées à l'est de ce méridien reviennent au Portugal, celles situées à l'ouest, à la Castille[3]. Cette deuxième édition de l'ouvrage d'Oliveira Marques a un titre nouveau Histoire du Portugal et de son empire colonial. À Ceylan, les Portugais, qui ont conquis presque toute l'île, se heurtent à la résistance du royaume de Kandy. [201] This was resisted by António de Oliveira Salazar, who had taken power in 1933. [48], The initial capture of Goa from the Bijapur sultanate in 1510 was soon countered by the Bijapuris, but with the help of Hindu privateer Timoji, on November 25 of the same year it was recaptured. Even before the war's final resolution, the crown established the Overseas Council, conceived in 1642 on the short-lived model of the Council of India (1604–1614), and established in 1643, it was the governing body for most of the Portuguese overseas empire. En Extrême-Orient, les activités autrefois dévolues à Malacca sont à présent déviées vers Timor et Macao. In 1668 Spain recognized the end of the Iberian Union and in exchange Portugal ceded Ceuta to the Spanish crown. Although Portugal began the process of decolonizing East Timor in 1975, during 1999–2002 was sometimes considered Portugal's last remaining colony, as the Indonesian invasion of East Timor was not justified by Portugal. The Portuguese Empire (Portuguese: Império Português), also known as the Portuguese Overseas (Ultramar Português) or the Portuguese Colonial Empire (Império Colonial Português), was composed of the overseas colonies and territories governed by Portugal. L'empire colonial portugais. Les Portugais sont définitivement expulsés des Moluques en 1636, et se rabattent sur Timor. [186], Although the royal family returned to Portugal in 1821, the interlude led to a growing desire for independence amongst Brazilians. [49] However, such posts were centralized by Afonso de Albuquerque after his succession and remained so in subsequent ruling. By the 1490s Madeira had overtaken Cyprus as a producer of sugar. He and his nephew, Estácio de Sá, then established the city of Rio de Janeiro in 1567, after Mem de Sá proclaimed the area "São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro" in 1565. By 1718, São Paulo and Minas Gerais became two captaincies, with eight vilas created in the latter. [48], Along with Almeida's initial attempts, Manuel I and his council in Lisbon had tried to distribute power in the Indian Ocean, creating three areas of jurisdiction: Albuquerque was sent to the Red Sea, Diogo Lopes de Sequeira to South-east Asia, seeking an agreement with the Sultan of Malacca, and Jorge de Aguiar followed by Duarte de Lemos were sent to the area between the Cape of Good Hope and Gujarat. Midway in the year, Portugal suffered its first World War I casualty. L'empire oriental connait son apogée sous le gouvernement de João de Castro (1545-1548), grâce aux conquêtes territoriales des années 1535 (Diu, Bassein), aux actions militaires contre les États indiens limitrophes (Bijâpur) et à la maîtrise du commerce des chevaux avec le puissant empire hindou du Sud de l'Inde, le Vijayanagar. Cette expansion est justement motivée par le commerce très lucratif de ces denrées. According to economic historians, Portugal's colonial trade had a substantial positive impact on Portuguese economic growth, 1500–1800. Son successeur, Afonso de Albuquerque, s'attache à faire de l'océan Indien occidental un mare clausum portugais, en s'emparant de trois points qui commandent le passage des marchandises : Ormuz (1507 et 1517) à l'entrée du golfe Persique, Goa (1510), capitale de l'« Estado da India », pour la côte de Malabar, Cochin, et Malacca (1511) qui commande l'entrée du détroit du même nom[3].