I have been using Visual Studio Code for this short time (a few weeks); I had to use Visual Studio in my previous job, so it was kind of a "natural" path for me I guess. Adjust the top & bottom margins of the Find, Replace, and Console panels, Use larger default folder icons in the sidebar, Use 'plus/minus' folder icons in the sidebar, Use spacegray-like folder icons in the sidebar. It is a bit too big for me and I want to adjust the height of it like Piatto's (also the width/height of button if possible). Pro. Sublime Text themes & color schemes with pastel 'retro groove' colors. Gruvbox Dark by peaceant Trending 12K Installs. Change the minimum width of the buttons in the statusbar, Change the font size of the status bar labels, Underline modified tabs with the current accent color. ð¨ Sublime Text themes & color schemes with pastel 'retro groove' colors, The easiest way to install is using Package Control. #syntax; #theme; #vibrant; #dark; #flavorful; smlombardi 337. Color scheme port of gruvbox dark mode to Sublime Text. Improves Notepad++'s user interface. I would share the top Sublime Text 3 themes of 2020; these themes are best from the UI … Dark and Yellow and ArcDark theme available, plus thirdparty themes. gruvbox-mellow theme. Sublime Text themes & color schemes with pastel 'retro groove' colors gruvbox comes with color scheme variations which have different brightness, saturation, or. A sweet suite of tools for easily creating sweet Sublime Text color schemes. Underline the active tab with the current accent color. It comes with 5 schemes, of which 2 are light and 3 are dark. GRUVBOX Afterglow is a very simple theme, designed for Sublime Text 1 or 2. Disable Selected AutoComplete Row Highlight. When comparing Gruvbox vs Solarized Dark, the Slant community recommends Gruvbox for most people.In the questionâWhat are the best color themes for text editors?âGruvbox is ranked 2nd while Solarized Dark is ranked 12th. Clean, vibrant and pleasing color schemes for Vim, Sublime Text, iTerm, gnome-terminal and more. Home; Open Source Projects; Featured Post; Tech Stack; Write For Us; We have collection of more than 1 Million open source products ranging from Enterprise product to small libraries in all platforms. I have been using Visual Studio Code for this short time (a few weeks); I had to use Visual Studio in my previous job, so it was kind of a "natural" path for me I guess. Base2Tone: 2 base hues - 32 variations … Note: Don't forget to restart Sublime Text after activating the theme. Itâs not that others are not good enough, but I find STâs slick UI so comfortable to work with. It is one of the few Sublime themes adopting a minimal, dark look and it was inspired on Spacegray, another popular choice among coders. gruvbox is a retro groove color scheme for Sublime Text. Is the listings package too dumb to differentiate e.g. App icons in PNG, ICO, & ICNS format are located in extras/app-icons/. It's not 100% match to original gruvbox. Includes full support for Unicode, as well as both Python 2 and Python 3 syntax. Installation Package Control. Change the space between sidebar tree rows, Change the font size of the sidebar labels. "Comes in 5 different variants" is the primary reason people pick Tomorrow Theme over the competition. I just started doing Web development. Accent colors affect icons and certain text. Minimal and flat dark UI for Sublime Text 3 + custom syntax highlighting colour scheme.. GUNA Guna is most innovative theme for Sublime Text 3. bantya / Theme - Alpenglow.sublime-settings. Contenido: A veces nos aburre tener el mismo entorno cuando estamos programando, de esta manera le daremos un aspecto muy diferente a … Price: Free. 3 gruvbox-syntax Gruvbox enhanced for Angular JS and Typescript. Before contributing please read CONTRIBUTING.md. 28/week. gruvbox-mellow Inspired by the Sublime Text Theme. The best Python language definition for Sublime Text - ever. Based on gruvbox for Vim. I am using the latest Sublime Text v3.2.2 (b3211). Made by Yongchan Jeon (Kris) February 17, 2018 Set of themes – Links package control page github page GRUVBOX gruvbox – bright theme for Sublime… Gruvbox is heavily inspired by badwolf, jellybeans, and solarized. Includes full Sublime Text theme (sidebar, search, tabs, etc.) Json: Sublime Text 3 Themes Settings. Color scheme port of gruvbox dark mode to Sublime Text. When comparing Molokai vs Gruvbox, the Slant community recommends Gruvbox for most people.In the questionâWhat are the best color themes for text editors?âGruvbox is ranked 2nd while Molokai is ranked 4th. Activate the UI theme and color scheme by modifying your user preferences file, which you can find using the menu item Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Settings - User (⌘, on Mac). All thicknesses require gruvbox_underline_modified_tabs to be true. Excellent color scheme !! We aggregate information from all open source repositories. gruvbox is a retro groove color scheme for Sublime Text. You can customize tab heights, sidebar icons, syntax markdown, and colors, making it your own. Sublime Text is one of the most popular code editors you can find, and for good reason. If you use VIM Mode in Sublime Text 2 on OS X 10.8+, when you hold h, l, j, k, the cursor will not move left right down up continually like real VIM, the solution is below. 记录一下我在 macOS X >= 10.14 上的个人开发环境 & 工具配置,以及在 Windows 10 上搭建基于 WSL 2 的开发环境的简要过程,以便将来需要时 refer。 As soon as I take my finger off the Ctrl key, the window disappears!. Scheme Sweet. Gruvbox ... Based on gruvbox for Vim. The most important reason people chose Gruvbox is: Markdown plugin for Sublime Text. The gruvbox-sublime-text-3 theme is a color scheme for eclipse created by Brandon Hearn. Made by: Brian Reilly February 19, 2016 Set of themes: dark light About the theme: gruvbox – bright theme for Sublime Text … Read More. gruvbox for Sublime Text. The theme is quite new and is in active development. Made by. The easiest way to install is using Package Control. The most important reason people chose Gruvbox is: I've toned down red color a little bit, used different caret color and there are probably lots of inconsistencies in language specific highlighting (ST has different scheme rules than VIM). Sublime Text Themes; WebArtDevelopers February 3, 2019 February 3, 2019 0. Once applied an impression of a smooth borderless interface is achieved. This plugin helps you to work easily with log statements. A variant without out any neutral / dimmed colors. package control page; github page; About a theme Flatland. Collection of Best Sublime Text 3 Themes. Created 5 years ago. #dark; #purple; #gold; #duotone; #syntax; simurai 50,523. I would like to have the colors the gruvbox coloring scheme for (g)vim uses in a lstlisting environment. Sublime Text comes with some color schemes included, but they might not be enough for the number of data types you use daily. Top 100 Sublime Text plugin! Golang Tools Integration by liuhewei ST3 34K Installs. The best Python language definition for Sublime Text - ever. Check out … as well as support for SublimeLinter, git diffing and a growing number of plugins. Based on gruvbox for Vim. Mac OS X Lion introduced a new, iOS-like context menu when you press and hold a key that enables ⦠Flatland is a simple theme and accompanying color scheme for Sublime Text 2 & 3. gruvbox by Briles ST3 31K Installs ð¨ Sublime Text themes & color schemes with pastel 'retro groove' colors. Itâs especially good for those who have trouble distinguishing between similar colors (e.g. gruvbox. Remove the highlight from the selected Command Palette row. Selected Sublime Themes Guna. All thicknesses require gruvbox_sideline_command_palette_row to be true. Change the space between autocomplete rows, Add a border around the autocomplete popup, Add a border to the left of the selected autocomplete row. Sublime Text 3 has a great combination of power, easiness, and flexibility. gruvbox. Last commit 4 months ago. 5 UI colour variations; custom UI icons (bottom panels, buttons, sidebar icons, etc.) Consolewrap â 75. All thicknesses require gruvbox_sideline_autocomplete_row to be true. Pixel Lab ; November 30, 2012; Set of themes-Links. It is one of the few Sublime themes adopting a minimal, dark look and it was inspired on Spacegray, another popular choice among coders. When comparing Gruvbox vs Material Theme for Notepad++, the Slant community recommends Gruvbox for most people.In the question“What are the best color themes for text editors?”Gruvbox is ranked 2nd while Material Theme for Notepad++ is ranked 47th. It is simple and minimalistic. Color your Sublime Text editor trying your favorite theme online before downloading it for free Includes full Sublime Text theme (sidebar, search, tabs, etc.) Change the space between autocomplete rows, Add a border around the autocomplete popup, Add a border to the left of the selected autocomplete row. 0 Stars 7 See all . You signed in with another tab or window. Actively developed. Retro groove themes & color schemes for Sublime Text. smlombardi 1,294. Gruvbox is one theme that is packed full of detailed personalization options. Originally based on the color theme VS Dark+, Gruvbox Dark and One Dark but has changed a lot since. Underline the active tab with the current accent color. Golang tools (gofmt, gocode, golint, guru, gorename, ...) integration for Sublime Text 3. I have a quick question about Sublime Text. Viewed 1k times 2. At GitHub, we’re building the text editor we’ve always wanted: hackable to the core, but approachable on the first day without ever touching a config file. Just for memo. It is a bit too big for me and I want to adjust the height of it like Piatto's (also the width/height of button if possible). I was successful at modifying the sidebar_container and tabset_control of Material Theme except the status bar. That window … gruvbox: Sublime Text themes & color schemes with pastel 'retro groove' colors. #gruvbox; #dark; #light; #medium; #soft; Briles 59,675. On modern displays, favouring width over height, that is quite a lot. I've toned down red color a little bit, used different caret color and there are probably lots of inconsistencies in language specific highlighting (ST has different scheme rules than VIM). Change the space between command palette rows, Add a border to the left of the selected Command Palette row. gruvbox. author: Briles created: 2016-02-19 18:51:37 color-scheme gruvbox gruvbox-color-scheme gruvbox-dark gruvbox-light package-control sublime-text sublime-text-3 syntax-theme javascript. add sublimelinter markup.error and markup.warning, Added command to activate theme using command palette (, Add script for installing sublime packages for testing, gruvbox (Dark) (Hard) NDC.sublime-color-scheme, gruvbox (Dark) (Hard).sublime-color-scheme, gruvbox (Dark) (Medium) NDC.sublime-color-scheme, gruvbox (Dark) (Medium).sublime-color-scheme, gruvbox (Dark) (Soft) NDC.sublime-color-scheme, gruvbox (Dark) (Soft).sublime-color-scheme, gruvbox (Light) (Hard) NDC.sublime-color-scheme, gruvbox (Light) (Hard).sublime-color-scheme, gruvbox (Light) (Medium) NDC.sublime-color-scheme, gruvbox (Light) (Medium).sublime-color-scheme, gruvbox (Light) (Soft) NDC.sublime-color-scheme, gruvbox (Light) (Soft).sublime-color-scheme, remove opinionated preferences from skins. Also only half of the tab's height is effectively used, the rest is just a waste of screen space. Molokai, Gruvbox, and Dracula are probably your best bets out of the 13 options considered. that excellent gruvbox tone. gruvbox - Sublime Text themes & color schemes with pastel 'retro groove' colors #opensource. On modern displays, favouring width over height, that is quite a lot. smlombardi 56,827. Skip to content. About a theme Asphalt. Accent colors affect icons and certain text. Embed. Created 8 years ago. 3 flavors are supported: Standard Markdown, GitHub flavored Markdown, MultiMarkdown. Awesome Open Source. It is designed for web languages (HTML, CSS, JS and more). All thicknesses require gruvbox_sideline_autocomplete_row to be true. ð¨ Sublime Text themes & color schemes with pastel 'retro groove' colors. Pro. arcticicestudio nord-vim. Sublime Text themes & color schemes with pastel 'retro groove' colors, The easiest way to install is using Package Control. gruvbox is a retro groove color scheme for Sublime Text. ... Clean, vibrant and pleasing color schemes for Vim, Sublime Text, iTerm, gnome-terminal and more. Increasing the font size will distort the icons in the sidebar. Tomorrow Theme, Gruvbox, and Dracula are probably your best bets out of the 48 options considered. Halcyon Theme for Sublime Text. 104 oceanic-next Based on the Sublime Text theme. A dark Vim/Neovim color scheme inspired by Atom's One Dark syntax theme. Halcyon Theme ... Color schemes for Sublime Text 2&3, including extended coloring for Markdown, reStructuredText, Ruby, C/C++ CSS, SASS/SCSS, JSON, Git, GitGutter, DIFF and … An option to reduce the tab so that the text just fits with some border left would be great. Inspired by the Sublime Text 3 theme I found here. 11/week. It's not 100% match to original gruvbox. Download Home ⦠Syntax highlighting and checking, commands, shortcuts, snippets, watched compilation and more. This post summarizes my personal development environment configuration on macOS X. saturation, or colors than their parent color schemes while still maintaining "Comes in 5 different variants" is the primary reason people pick Tomorrow Theme over the competition. How to increase/decrease height of Sublime status bar? "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Dark) (Hard).sublime-color-scheme", "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Dark) (Medium).sublime-color-scheme", "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Dark) (Soft).sublime-color-scheme", "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Light) (Hard).sublime-color-scheme", "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Light) (Medium).sublime-color-scheme", "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Light) (Soft).sublime-color-scheme", "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Dark) (Hard) NDC.sublime-color-scheme", "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Dark) (Medium) NDC.sublime-color-scheme", "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Dark) (Soft) NDC.sublime-color-scheme", "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Light) (Hard) NDC.sublime-color-scheme", "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Light) (Medium) NDC.sublime-color-scheme", "Packages/gruvbox/gruvbox (Light) (Soft) NDC.sublime-color-scheme", "gruvbox_sideline_autocomplete_row_thick", "gruvbox_sideline_autocomplete_row_thickest", "gruvbox_disable_autocomplete_row_highlight", "gruvbox_sideline_command_palette_row_thick", "gruvbox_sideline_command_palette_row_thickest", "gruvbox_disable_command_palette_row_highlight", "gruvbox_disable_command_palette_row_border". 7. Contributions are always welcome. Gruvbox. SCSS Snippets by npostulart 90K Installs. Increasing the font size will distort the icons in the sidebar. vimcolorschemes.com is the ultimate resource for vim users to find the perfect color scheme for their development environment. This is why you might want to install Sublime themes for expanding your color schemes and the overall look of the interface. I've toned down red color a little bit, used different caret color and there are probably lots of inconsistencies in language specific highlighting (ST has different scheme rules than VIM). All thicknesses require gruvbox_sideline_command_palette_row to be true. Provides a decent Markdown color scheme (light and dark) with more robust syntax highlighting and useful Markdown editing features for Sublime Text. Remove the highlight from the selected Command Palette row. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 8 months ago. This page is powered by a knowledgeable community that helps you make an informed decision. Last commit 25 days ago. I've toned down red color a little bit, used different caret color and there are probably lots of inconsistencies in language specific highlighting (ST has different scheme rules than VIM). Scheme Sweet. Check out the Neon Color Scheme for highlighting. Pro. This page is powered by a knowledgeable community that helps you make an informed decision. 6044. 9 tesla-atom A clean theme for front-end work . gruvbox comes with color scheme variations which have different brightness, sidebar folder/files icons support (ST3 build 3062+), standard icons (bonus: JSON file type icon and .tmPreference) Ad. Con. As a developer, i have tried lots of IDE, but i must say that it has been the best in my coding journey. Guna by poucotm ST3 27K Installs ð Most Innovative Theme for Sublime Text 3. Created 5 years ago. Made by: Pixel Lab November 30, 2012 Set of themes: – About the theme: Flatland is a simple theme … gruvbox-mellow theme. Note: Don't forget to restart Sublime Text after activating the theme. 3 toothpaste_2_syntax A port of Toothpaste with more flavor. 11/week. See configuration section to learn how to change the ⦠Contrast options. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Showcasing the best Sublime Text Themes 11 Most Beautiful Sublime Text Themes. Tomorrow Theme, Gruvbox, and Dracula are probably your best bets out of the 48 options considered. It's not 100% match to original gruvbox. Guna by poucotm ST3 26K Installs Most Innovative Theme for Sublime Text 3. Before contributing please read CONTRIBUTING.md. Change the space between sidebar tree rows, Change the font size of the sidebar labels. Inspired by the Sublime Text 3 theme I found here. Active 3 years, 8 months ago. 8051. Retro groove color scheme for Vim. It's not 100% match to original gruvbox. It is one of the few Sublime themes adopting a minimal, dark look and it was inspired on Spacegray, another popular choice among coders. 更新时间:2021-03-22 08:56:01. To use the color scheme with the PlainTasks plugin, add the color scheme path to the "color_scheme" key in Preferences > Package Settings > PlainTasks > Settings - User like so: All extras can be found in the extras sub-directory of the package. 7. Also only half of the tab's height is effectively used, the rest is just a waste of screen space. Change the space between command palette rows, Add a border to the left of the selected Command Palette row. "Looks great" is the primary reason people pick Molokai over the competition. Features. I've toned down red color a little bit, used different caret color and there are probably lots of inconsistencies in language specific highlighting (ST has different scheme rules than VIM). Color your Sublime Text editor trying your favorite theme online before downloading it for free This page is powered by a knowledgeable community that ⦠gruvbox. It has been downloaded 296 times and provides support for a lot of common editors. Installation. A variant without out any neutral / dimmed colors. Based on gruvbox for Vim. quippet Easily create new snippets. Sublime Text is available for Mac, Windows and Linux. Install it with vim-plug: Plug 'morhetz/gruvbox' Then use :PlugInstall to install it just like you install other plugins. However, I've seen websites about Sublime Text, and people seem to really enjoy it. azeirah 572. Contributions are always welcome. gruvbox-plus-syntax Syntax themes with pastel 'retro groove' colors, dark/light mode switching, & contrast alternatives. All thicknesses require gruvbox_underline_active_tab to be true. However, I've seen websites about Sublime Text, and people seem to … YAML Front Matter. Price: Free. Sublime Text is my all-time favorite code editor. Afterglow is a very simple theme, designed for Sublime Text 1 or 2. It has been downloaded 296 times and provides support for a lot of common editors. All gists Back to GitHub Sign in Sign up Sign in Sign up {{ message }} Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. I just started doing Web development. colorblind users). Json: Sublime Text 3 Themes Settings. Better CoffeeScript by aponxi 198K Installs. syntax-theme theme light-theme dark-theme sublime-text color-scheme sublime-text-3 gruvbox adaptive gruvbox-color-scheme package-control Updated Dec 10, 2020; JavaScript; grandfoobah / i3-wm-gruvbox ⦠Gruvbox is heavily inspired by badwolf, jellybeans, and solarized. The gruvbox-sublime-text-3 theme is a color scheme for eclipse created by Brandon Hearn. A sweet suite of tools for easily creating sweet Sublime Text color schemes. Color your Sublime Text editor trying your favorite theme online before downloading it for free Gruvbox-N By Nicola Peduzzi A Gruvbox inspired theme with a retro look, pastel colors. A refined colour scheme that is easy on the eyes and takes small UI elements into account. An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Vim ⦠Last commit 2 months ago. It supports various functions: conspicuous widgets (clock, weather) on sidebar, manually or adaptively tweakable theme colors, controlling status bar label by its own api. Gruvbox. that excellent gruvbox tone. Package Control. Activate the UI theme and color scheme by modifying your user preferences file, which you can find using the menu item Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Settings - User (â, on Mac). Color scheme port of gruvbox dark mode to Sublime Text. smlombardi 2,140. Gruvbox Dark by peaceant 12K Installs. gruvbox comes with color scheme variations which have different brightness, Gruvbox is a popular Vim colorscheme. GRUVBOX Open Command Palette using menu item Tools -> Command Palette... (⇧⌘P on Mac) (ctrlshiftP on Windows)Choose Package Control: Install Package; Find gruvbox and hit Enter; Activate the theme … Contrast options. Awesome Open Source. Markdown syntax highlighter for Sublime Text, with extended support for GFM fenced code blocks, with language-specific syntax highlighting. While drawing inspiration from Sublime Text this theme comes with a set of prepacked color schemes. 2691. Sublime Text themes & color schemes with pastel 'retro groove' colors - Briles/gruvbox Setting up WSL 2 on Windows 10 is also included. altercation vim-colors-solarized. GUNA Guna is most innovative theme for Sublime Text 3. Snippets for use with SCSS . Last commit 3 months ago. gruvbox gruvbox on GitHub gruvbox on Package Control gruvbox for Atom. Showcasing the best Sublime Text Themes 11 Most Beautiful Sublime Text Themes. I have a quick question about Sublime Text. This post showcases some handpicked Sublime Text themes which I found the best to … Change the minimum width of the buttons in the statusbar, Change the font size of the status bar labels, Underline modified tabs with the current accent color. GRUVBOX joshdick onedark.vim. Goes great with Assemble. Gruvbox. Cons. Base16 Designer . As a developer, i have tried lots of IDE, but i must say that it has been the best in my coding journey. Remove the highlight from the selected autocomplete row. It’s not that others are not good enough, but I find ST’s slick UI so comfortable to work with. Sublime Text is my all-time favorite code editor. You can customize tab heights, sidebar icons, syntax markdown, and colors, making it your own. A refined colour scheme that is easy on the eyes and takes small UI elements into account. Retro groove themes & color schemes for Sublime Text. Color scheme port of gruvbox dark mode to Sublime Text. Install Now The Sublime Text package manager that makes it exceedingly simple to find, install and keep packages up-to-date. morhetz gruvbox. ###HTML ###JS ###SCSS Made by: Brian ReillyFebruary 19, 2016 Set of themes: darklight About the theme: gruvbox - bright theme for Sublime Text 3 with pastel 'retro groove' colors. It is mostly derived from Soda, the right place to start for any custom theme development for Sublime. Come for the hundreds of vim color schemes, stay for the awesome hjkl spatial navigation. Sublime Text uses a custom UI toolkit, optimized for speed and beauty, while taking advantage of native functionality on each platform. Based on gruvbox for Vim. It's free. I was successful at modifying the sidebar_container and tabset_control of Material Theme except the status bar. Disable Selected Command Palette Row Highlight. The tab bar is, what, 50 pixels high? All thicknesses require gruvbox_underline_modified_tabs to be true. App icons in PNG, ICO, & ICNS format are located in extras/app-icons/. The tab bar is, what, 50 pixels high? The red is toned down a bit. We can’t wait to see what you build with it. All thicknesses require gruvbox_underline_active_tab to be true. One license is all you need to use Sublime Text on every computer you own, no matter what operating system it uses. saturation, or colors than their parent color schemes while still maintaining To use the color scheme with the PlainâTasks plugin, add the color scheme path to the "color_scheme" key in Preferences > Package Settings > PlainTasks > Settings - User like so: All extras can be found in the extras sub-directory of the package. The red is toned down a bit. FLATLAND. Adjust the top & bottom margins of the Find, Replace, and Console panels, Use larger default folder icons in the sidebar, Use 'plus/minus' folder icons in the sidebar, Use spacegray-like folder icons in the sidebar. ###HTML ###JS ###SCSS Remove the highlight from the selected autocomplete row. If you want some funky vibes this is the theme that you should try. gruvbox gruvbox on GitHub gruvbox on Package Control gruvbox for Atom. I would share the top Sublime Text 3 themes of 2020; these themes are best from the UI perspective and keep our coding interest intact whenever we code in it. Scheme Sweet Designer Scheme Sweet on GitHub. Created 4 years ago. What would you like to do? Every time I press Ctrl+S on a new file or Ctrl+Shift+S on a previously saved file, the file 'Save As' window just flashes for half a second and then disappears.EDIT: It stays as long as the Ctrl key is pressed. An option to reduce the tab so that the text just fits with some border left would be great. Pipenv Sublime â 65. The easiest way to install is using Package Control. The most important reason people chose Gruvbox is: gruvbox - bright theme for Sublime Text 3 with pastel 'retro groove' colors. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. It supports various functions: conspicuous widgets (clock, weather) on sidebar, manually or adaptively tweakable theme colors, controlling status bar label by its own api. It's not 100% match to original gruvbox. as well as support for SublimeLinter, git diffing and a growing number of plugins. Halcyon Theme by Brittany Chiang 2K Installs. Includes full support for Unicode, as well as both Python 2 and Python 3 syntax. The theme is a port of another popular Sublime Text theme and hence is tried and tested. Works with ST2/ST3. 1620. Check out the Neon Color Scheme for highlighting. Bright Sublime Text themes and color schemes with pastel 'retro groove' colors that are easy on the eyes. … You can customize tab heights, sidebar icons, syntax markdown, and colors, making it your own. Unlike Sublime Text, you can not set up which font to … This Sublime Text theme is an amazing option for when you want to be able to quickly differentiate between colors. Out of the box, it’s got tons of cool features to help programmers be more productive like split editing, syntax highlighting, multiple selections, custom key bindings, macros, and lots more. Last active Jan 11, 2020. Tech49. Collection of Best Sublime Text 3 Themes. gruvbox. Star 0 Fork 0; Star Code Revisions 11. 1. Sublime Text 3 has a great combination of power, easiness, and flexibility. Greatly improves the Notepad++ UI by using clean and modern colors. 106 duotone-dark-syntax A dark DuoTone syntax theme. Color scheme port of gruvbox dark mode to Sublime Text. dracula vim. Afterglow is a very simple theme, designed for Sublime Text 1 or 2. It would be nice if you can make one compatible with Sublime Text or Textmate. Tips for modifying the theme.