If not yet done, first of all you need to install Package Control - the package manager for Sublime Text. The highlighting of source code and prose in Sublime Text is controlled by a color scheme. Install using Git. The Dracula Theme package is listed as Dracula Color Scheme in the packages list.. Guna is most innovative theme for sublime text 3. You might also like these Sublime Text WordPress extensions or this Sublime Text cheatsheet. Thanks, Phillip. About a theme Agila Theme. For example, pointing the cursor on a variable, the background change to a light-yellow while the foreground still remain the same: I can't find where to change this setting. Simply, run Guna in command palette (cmd/ctrl+shift+p). I installed on Linux Mint and I have noticed that highlighting, in some cases, is too strong, making text unreadable. Sublime Text → Preferences -> Theme… and select Adaptive.sublime-theme (Theme — Default/adaptive). Products Buy News Forum Sublime Forum. The cyanide theme works with sublime text 3 and has darker minimal theme. The background of the editor is dark-blue, and the fonts are colored with different shades of blue. Here is where Sublime themes change the game entirely. Change color theme in Emacs is easy, load the script when Emacs started and press M-x:day or M-x:dark.This is exactly what I want to do in Sublime. You can customize the UI to your liking (e.g camouflage workspace with the color scheme background, sidebar, tab, autocomplete, and scrollbar setup/color preferences) Below is a collection of some of our favorites. What’s even more impressive about Sublime Text is that you can emphasize its functions using themes. It supports various functions : conspicuous widgets (clock, weather) on sidebar, manually or adaptively tweakable theme colors, controlling status bar label by its own api. If you are using Package Control, you can easily install Dracula Theme via the Package Control: Install Package menu item. This is again the default theme available in latest build which gives you an ideal layout for your sublime which you can see in the above picture. Thanks for this theme! Sublime Text encourages being productive and saving time while transforming writing code in an effortless task. .sublime-theme files change the look of the UI including the Sidebar and File Tabs. Is it possible to change the color of comments from dull gray to some other color? One of those cool customization features comes in the form of themes. Sublime Text Install using Package Control. The color schemes available for this theme are : Golden, Mint, alert, acid, monocyanide etc. Defining these are a tremendous pain, so save yourself a lot of time and install the Theme Menu Switcher package. A color scheme assigns colors and font styles to scopes, which are assigned to the text by the syntax.The rest of the look of the user interface is controlled by the theme.The theme controls such elements as buttons select lists, the sidebar and tabs. You can go to the settings panel and customize many options. ... (or ignored). But there seems no way to load Python script directly in Sublime, but you can write your Python code in Sublime … Theme Activation. Sublime Text 3 UI Theme. There are a variety of free themes available that can change the look of Sublime Text to better reflect your needs. Sublime Text also has a very useful and fast project switching keyboard shortcut.